General Information
Identifying Sig. Figs
Calculating Sig. Figs
Measuring Sig. Figs
Grab Bag (Random Science Trivia)

Refers to the closeness of two or more measurements to each other

What is precision?


Start at the right and ignore the zeros until you reach a non-zero digit.  Count the digits to the left of the insignificant zeros.

What are numbers with no decimals?


The answer is written with the same number of decimal places as the least precise measurement in the calculation.

What is the process for rounding when adding or subtracting?


Because the last digit is estimated different people reading the same measurement may produce different results

What is measurement uncertainty?


The chart used to arrange the natural elements according to their atomic numbers.

What is the periodic table of elements?


Refers to the closeness of a measured value to a standard or known value

What is accuracy?


Identify the number of significant figures: 0.00000000001

What is 1 sig fig?


Complete the calculation and round to the correct number of significant figures: 2.3 + 4.566 + 52.

What is 59.?


All measurements have a degree of uncertainty

What is true?


The layer of gases that surrounds and covers a planet, moon, or star?

What is an atmosphere?


The smallest unit of measure used for a particular measurement dictates the precision of that measuring tool

What is the precision unit?


Start at the left and ignore the zeros until you reach a non-zero digit. Count the digits to the right of the insignificant zeros.

What are numbers with decimal points?


The answer is written with the same number of significant figures as the number of significant figures in the least precise measurement.

What is rounding when multiplying or dividing?


State the numbers that I know are true, then add one additional digit that is estimated (or uncertain).

What is the process for rounding measurements to the correct number of significant figures?


The smallest blood vessels in the body that carry gases and nutrients to cells?

What are capillaries?


When scientists measure and record their measurement they state the numbers they know are true and then they estimate the last digit.

What is measurement uncertainty?


Identify the number of significant figures: 2.340981 x 105

What is 7?


Complete the calculation and round to the correct number of significant figures: 582 / 23

What is 25?


Identify the volume of water in this beaker.  State your answer with the correct number of significant figures.

What is 49 mL?


The scientist who discovered radium.

Who is Marie Curie?


When making a measurement, its accuracy must be preserved. This is achieved through the use of

What is significant figures?


•If the number represents a distinct counted number of things (examples: molecules, coffee cups, watches) and is not a measurement from a measuring device, all digits are significant.

What are exact numbers?


Complete the calculation and round to the correct number of significant figures: 29.3456 - 8.1 - 6.77

What is 14.5?


Identify the mass using the triple beam balance provided.  State your answer with the correct number of significant figures.

What is 545.20g?


The change in state (of matter) from a solid to a gas

What is sublimation?