Define the signpost
Identify the signpost
What's the anchor question?
This or that?
Spot the error

When you see something happening over and over again, you’ve found a(n)... 

(Again & again)


A character who is normally kind and respectful shouts at his mother, “I don’t care what you think!” 



What is the anchor question for Contrast/Contradiction?

Why might the character be acting this way?


You think you have found a signpost in your book. In the story you’re reading, the main character has just started attending a new school. Struggling to fit in, she keeps changing herself to try to win new friends: first, she changes her clothing style. Then, she cuts and dyes her hair. She even tries to change her personality, adopting a new, couldn’t-care-less attitude about school and her grades. Nothing works. After meeting another student who seems to be going through the same struggles, the character finally realizes that it’s more important to be yourself than to change yourself to fit in. Which signpost have you found? 

  1. Words of the Wiser

  2. Aha Moment 

(Aha moment -- “finally realizes” -- no one gave her this advice)


You find an again & again in your text. The again & again is that the word “change” keeps being mentioned over and over. You answer the anchor question by saying, “This realization will change things because the character will understand that change is a part of life.” What’s the error?

 (Wrong AQ)


When you see someone acting in a way that is different from how most people usually act or from how they usually act, you’ve found a(n)… 



“I don’t know if I can ever forgive myself,” David cried, “How could I, after what have I done?” 

(Tough Questions)


What is the anchor question for Memory Moment?

Why might this memory be important?


You’ve found a Memory Moment in the book you’re reading; in the MM, a character stops and remembers the best day she ever spent with her best friend. Which is the better answer to the anchor question for Memory Moment? 

  1. This memory might be important because it showed the main character what it really means to be a true friend; it gave her an example of what the rest of her friendships should look like in life.

  2. This memory might be important because it was an important time in the main character’s life, and she’s remembering it now, years later. 

(A - contains a reason the memory is important)


You find a Tough Question in your story, “The Beans and Rice Chronicles of Isaiah Dunn.” In the story, Isaiah asks Mama, “When are you gonna get a job, Mama?” You determine that the anchor question for this signpost is “What does this make me wonder?” What’s the error? 

(This is not a TQ; Isaiah is asking someone ELSE the question)


When a character has a sudden realization, you’ve found a(n)... 

(aha moment)


“Mark!” Nicole cried. “Why did you do that?”

The students had been playing kickball at recess, all having a great time. Mark, who had said he didn’t want to play, suddenly ran in and took the ball from the pitcher, Jen. He hurled it over the schoolyard fence, laughing as he ran away. The game was ruined. 



What is the anchor question for Tough Questions?

What does this question make me wonder?


You have found an Again & Again in “Sometimes a Dream Needs a Push.” The Again & Again is when the word “chair” is mentioned over and over. Which is the better answer to the anchor question, why does this keep coming up again and again? 

  1. Chair keeps coming up again and again because Chris uses a wheelchair after being in a car accident, and he will never walk again and his dad blames himself. 

  2. Chair keeps coming up again and again because it’s all the dad seems to be able to focus on; the author is trying to make us see that when the Dad looks at Chris, all he really sees is the chair, because of his guilt.

 (B - contains inferences, not just info from the text)


You find a contradiction in the story “Sometimes a Dream Needs a Push.” The contradiction is that Dad usually isn’t interested in Chris’ wheelchair basketball team, but then, he comes to practice to help the team improve. You answer the anchor question by saying, “The dad might be acting this way because he played a few years of professional basketball before his knee injury made him stop.” What's the error?

(No inference)


When a character stops and asks themself something that doesn’t have an easy answer, you’ve found a(n)… 

(tough question)


Rounding the corner and heading into mile 2 of the cross country race, Jane felt confident. The sound of pounding feet grew quieter behind her as she increased her lead over the other runners. In the distance she saw a park bench, and next to it, a huge oak tree. At that moment she remembered an autumn day, not so very long ago, when she and her grandma had sat on that same bench, Grandma pointing out the changing leaves on the oak tree and explaining that oak trees are always some of the last to change. “They just hold on as long as they can,” grandma had said. Jane shook her head and wiped tears from her eyes. She missed grandma terribly, but she had a race to run.  

(Memory Moment)

What is the anchor question for Aha Moment?

How might this realization change things?

You have found a Contradiction in “Sometimes a Dream Needs a Push.” The Contradiction is that Dad, who usually enjoys basketball, is sitting alone and not looking up from his newspaper while attending a wheelchair basketball game. Which is the better answer to the anchor question, why might the character be acting this way? 

  1. The dad is acting this way because he can’t bring himself to be enthusiastic about wheelchair basketball. He probably feels like it’s not something he should have ever had to watch or be interested in, and the only reason he has to is because of the accident that he thinks was his fault. Watching the game makes him feel guilty and shame.

  2. The dad is acting this way because usually, we would expect him to watch basketball since he was a pro basketball player himself once. Instead, he’s just sitting on the sidelines, reading a newspaper, hardly looking up, like he’s not interested in what’s happening.

 (A - it contains inferences, it doesn’t just give info from the story)


You find Words of the Wiser when watching The Lion King. In the movie, Mufasa tells Simba, “I’m only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn’t mean you go looking for trouble.” You answer the anchor question by saying, “The life lesson is that you should be brave when trouble finds you, you shouldn’t show you’re brave by creating trouble.” What’s the error? 

(Only answers the first part of the AQ)


When a character pulls another character aside and offers important advice, you’ve found a(n)… 

(Words of the Wiser)


“I promise this will be the last time,” Victoria said as she slipped Cristina’s homework into her folder. “I just didn’t have time to get it done!” 

“It’s fine,” Cristina said, but inside, she wasn’t so sure. It seemed like all Victoria ever wanted was to borrow her homework or copy her notes. In fact, she couldn’t remember the last time Victoria hadn’t wanted something from her… and the last time Cristina had asked for a favor Victoria couldn’t be bothered. She’d had enough: Victoria wasn’t interested in being her friend at all; she just wanted to use her, and it was time for that to stop. “Actually,” Cristina said to Victoria, “it’s not fine. Can you give my homework back? I think it’s time for you to do your own… or find someone else to copy.” 

(Aha Moment)


What is the anchor question for Words of the Wiser?

What is the life lesson and how might it affect the character?


You have found Words of the Wiser while watching Star Wars. In the movie, Yoda says, “Do or do not; there is no try.” Which is the better answer to the anchor question? 

  1. The life lesson is that you either do something or you don’t; there is no middle ground. This will affect the main character because he will do more in the future and he will know that there is no middle ground, you either do something or you don’t. 

  2. The life lesson is that you either do something or you don’t; there is no middle ground. This will affect the main character because he will learn to not make excuses for himself and persevere during more difficult times.

 (B - contains inference/interprets the life lesson, doesn’t just repeat it)


You find a contrast in “The Beans and Rice Chronicles of Isaiah Dunn” when Isaiah asks his mama a question and instead of answering, “she takes a long swig from one of her bottles.” You decide this is a contrast because usually, a parent would answer their child when their child asks a question. You answer the anchor question by saying, “the character might be acting this way because she is drinking from her bottles instead of answering her son’s question; she is ignoring him and drinking instead of talking to him.” What’s the error?

(Summarizes what’s happening, but makes no inference)