May affect how you perform everyday tasks
Difficulty concentrating
Emotion characterized by antagonism towards someone or something
Being angry
A condition in which the force of the blood against the artery walls is too high
High blood pressure
Can involve neglecting personal hygiene or engaging in harmful behaviors
Poor self-care
Thoughts, images, emotions, and actions of a negative nature
Feeling impatient or exasperated, the way you feel when someone rubs you the wrong way
Increased input or decreased output of food and/or fluids
Changes in weight
Relying on drugs and alcohol to deal with situations
Poor coping mechanisms
Feeling of fear, dread, and uneasiness
Given to unpredictable changes of feeling or state of mind, especially sudden bouts of gloominess or sullenness
Caused by a decrease in the effectiveness of the immune system
Frequent colds or infections
Hair twirling, biting nails, grinding teeth, etc.
Difficult recalling recent events or things
Trouble remembering
Expressing distress and annoyance especially because of inability to change or achieve something
Changes in libido
Not having time for the things you enjoy