omg what do I do
mixed bag
cool junk
a stop sign is what color
What is red
what shape is a stop sign
What is octagon 8 sides
you want to make a left turn at a light that is solid green, no arrow. what do you do
What is yield to oncoming traffic and then proceed when clear
what does a flashing yellow light mean
What is slow down proceed with caution
It is snowing heavily and very foggy. The speed limit is 65. what does that mean?
What is go slower than the speed limit because "ideal" conditions do not exist to go the maximum limit.
a yield sign is what color
What is red and white
what shape is a school crossing
What is pentagon
you want to turn right on red
look for a sign saying it is prohibited. then stop first, look for cars go when clear
what does a flashing red light mean
What is stop proceed when safe
You have stopped behind the cross walk like you are supposed to but a large bush is blocking your view. what do you do?
What is creep up after you stopped behind the crosswalk and all pedestrians are safely out of your way,
a hospital sign is what color
What is blue
what shape is a railroad crossing
What is circle
you want to pass. the center line closest to you is solid. the one furthest from you is broken dotted.
What is don't pass. wait until you have a broken line and it is clear to pass.
you have arrived at a malfunctioning/broken traffic light. what do you do
What is treat it as a four way stop
what color is a construction sign
What is orange
what color is a school crossing sign
What is yellow
construction zone signs are what shape
What is diamond
your car just stalled on the tracks and a train is coming. you decide to abandon your car. which way do you run?
What is towards the train
you have a flashing yellow arrow and want to make a left turn what do you do
What is yield to oncoming traffic and proceed to turn only when your way is clear
It is Christmas day and the school zone light is flashing. What do you do?
What is follow the law no matter what you "think"
what color is a speed limit sign
What is black and white
speed limit signs are what shape
What is rectangle
you arrive at a 4 way stop with another car that arrived at the same time as you. who goes first?
What is the car on the right gets to go first
you arrive at an intersection with a green light. There is a police officer directing traffic due to an accident a block down. He is standing in your intersection telling your directional traffic to stop. Do you follow the officer or the green light?
What is officer/always!
what does me mean if a curb is painted either yellow, white or red?
What is no parking zone