common ground
shared interests, opinions...
Add fuel to the fire
To make a situation even worse than it used to be
Beat around the bush
Avoiding the main point/ subject...
To cry over spilt milk
Dont be sad about something that has already happened
To bite off more than you can chew
To do something that is too difficult for you
Through thick and thin
under all circumstances
To whet the appetite
to increase someone's interest in and wish for something
Long story short
explaining what happened in a few words, without giving all the details
Blood is thicker than water
family is more important than a person's other relationships
The more the merrier
To say an occasion will be more enjoyable if a lot of people are there
To talk turkey
discuss something frankly and straightforwardly
Tighten your belt
to spend less money
(come) rain or shine
No matter what happens or what it takes.
Let's cut to the chase
say only what is important and leave out minor details, Leave out all unnecessary details
to put a thumb on the scale
To cheat
Found my feet
become used to a new situation or experience, and become confident in what I am doing
To hit the nail on the head
be accurately right about something, do or say exactly the right thing
I get my kicks out of/ from
to get enjoyment or pleasure doing something
Be in/ of two minds
to be unable to decide about something
Bees in one's bonnet
obsessed with it and can't stop thinking about it