This person is our School Principal.
Who is Ms. Jaggi-Vaid?
The name of the street where our school is located.
What is Cedar Creek Drive?
On which day of the cycle do the grade 2s use the playground?
What is Day 2?
This person manages the office and gives you ice.
Who is Ms. Long?
This is the time our school day starts.
What is 9:10 am?
There are these many Kindergarten classes.
What is 3?
This person keeps our school safe and clean each day.
Who is Ms. Pina?
The number of "bunkers" outside on our school property?
What is 3?
(2 Kinder, 1 Custodial)
The birth year of our current grade 5s?
What is 2013?
This teacher is all about Health and Fitness.
Who is Ms. Libera-Raymond?
If you called the school, you would call this phone number.
What is 905-279-1651?
The number of classes (E.g., K1, 2A, 5B) that we have.
What is 13?
The person who runs our LLC (Library Learning Commons).
Who is Ms. D'Silva?
The number of minutes outside that you play each day for the nutrition breaks (altogether).
What is 40 minutes?
The number of students in total at our school.
What is 292?