Josiah's little oopsie in a high school class
What is fainting?
Thomas' favorite activity at parties.
What is spinning?
Religious leader who was born in Ryan's town
Who is Joseph Smith?
SIM's founder
Who is Jason Lockhart?
The SIM member who most recently quit.
Who is Alvaro
What Josiah always always has in his backpack (besides choc. chip cookies)
What is a Tampon?
The number of times Thomas has dislocated his shoulder
What is 5?
The political leader Ryan's grandfather worked closely with
Who is Ronald Reagan?
What is "The SAO almost rejected SIM as a club since they were afraid they would dilute the talent pool for D8"?
The groups Lev had beef with, and why.
Who are mischords and paradiddles?
What is sleeping with them?
The name of Josiah's gecko
What is Fafnir?
The number of photos of sweet potatoes on Thomas' instagram
What is 14?
The food the haunts Ryan's dreams
What are Cadbury cream eggs?
The second largest (and impromptu) SIM performance
What is the wellfleet oyster fest main stage? (accept oyster fest)
The names of all 6 SIM albums
What is Diluting the Talent Pool, Melophonophobia, clap.stomp, Antipodean, Sexy Casual, and Take Control?
The number of tiktok followers Josiah's brother has
What is 288k?
The SIM member he had is first deep conversation with, and where.
Who is Flo on the steps of Starr?
Ryans first girlfriend
What is his younger brother's pre-school best friend?
Where SIM was founded, for what reason, when.
What is Battell Basement, to pick up girls, and 2002?
How many events SIM has logged in presence in the past 4 years.
What is 1?
The committee Josiah's dad chairs.
What is agriculture, food resiliency, and forestry?
What Ryan was catching in his mouth in the images from the slideshow
What is a baguette?
The number of people at SIM's largest performance. Also where and when
What is 30,000? Japanese baseball stadium in 2009?
What is $5,000?