School Items

How are a pumpkin and grapes similar? (give 2 reasons)

They are both fruit and grow on vines. 


How are a crayon and marker the same? (Give 2 reasons)

You can draw/color with them. They come in a lot of colors. 


How are a worm and a snake different? (Give 2 reasons)

A worm eats dirt and a snake eats small animals. Worms are short and snakes are long. 


How are an airplane and a blimp similar? 

They both fly.


BONUS Question: What is your LEAST favorite holiday? Why? 

Answers vary. 


How are coffee and apple juice different? (give 2 answers)

Coffee is made from a bean and apple juice is made from fruit. Coffee is usually hot and apple juice is cold. 


How are a computer and an iPad different? (Give 2 answers)

A computer is bigger than an iPad. An iPad does not have a keyboard but a computer does. 

BONUS Question! If you could be any animal in the world, what would you be? Why?

answer vary


How are a bike and a car different? (Give 2 answers)

A car has 4 weeks and a bike as 2 wheels. Cars have a roof and bike's don't. Cars hold a lot of people and most bikes don't. 


How are Christmas and your birthday similar? 

You get presents. Your family gets together. 


How are yogurt and ice cream the same? (Give 2 answers)

They both are dairy/made from milk. They both are kept cold. 


How are an eraser and white out similar? 

They erase mistakes. 


How are a shark and a whale different? 

A whale is a mammal and a shark is a fish. Sharks have sharp teeth and most whales don't. 

(Bonus...what whale DOES have sharp teeth?)


BONUS Question: What kind of car do you want to drive when you get your driver's license? 

Answers vary.


How are Veteran's Day and Memorial Day similar? 

They both celebrate and honor people who have fought in wars or have served in the United States military. 


How are Skittles and M&Ms different? 

M&Ms are made from chocolate. 

BONUS QUESTION! What's your favorite school subject? Why?

They carry things. They are used in school. They have decorations on them. 


How are a dog and a rabbit similar? (Give 2 answers)

They are both mammals. They are both animals. They can both be pets. They have fur. They are soft. 


How are train tracks and a road different? 

Train tracks are made of steel and roads are made of asphalt. Trains drive on train tracks and cars drive on rads. 


How are wrapping paper and newspaper different? 

Wrapping paper is used to wrap presents and newspaper is used to read articles about current events. 


BONUS Question...How do you know if a food item is a fruit or vegetable? 

Fruit has seeds and most vegetables don't. 


How are a desk and a table different?

A desk is smaller than a table. Tables have many chairs around them but a desk has only one.


How are feathers and fur different?

Feathers are on birds and help animals fly. Fur is soft and is usually on mammals. 


How is a stop sign and a traffic light similar? 

They direct traffic. They prevent car accidents. 


How are the Tooth Fairy and Santa similar?

They both come in to your house when you're sleeping. They both bring you something (money, presents).