Her blue eyes are like the sky .
eyes and sky
There was a fan of cards to choose from.
fan and cards
She was a walking color wheel, always wearing just about every shade possible, all at once.
Her hands were like ice.
cold hands
I had a rollercoaster of emotions.
Lots of differing feelings
The boy ran down the hall as fast as lightning.
how fast he ran and lightning
It's so loud here. This classroom is a zoo.
classroom and zoo
Tiffany's eyes were as sky blue as her father's eyes.
My math teacher is as cool as a cucumber.
Laid back, awesome, fun
Your voice is music to my ears.
Voice is nice to listen to
Those two siblings fight like cats and dogs.
siblings + cats and dogs
Jeffery can reach the top shelves because he is a giant.
Jeffery and giant.
When he ate, he was like a crocodile, opening wide and snapping his jaws suddenly for the kill.
You clean your room like a sloth.
Super slow
Students riding on the bus can sometimes get out of hand.
out of control
The teachers are as different as night and day.
teachers + night and day
Our Uncle Bill is the clown in our family.
Uncle Bill and clown
Her elderly fingers were thin gnarled branches, twisting oddly from the stem of her palms.
My one year old eats like a pig.
Very messy
America is a melting pot.
Many kinds of people all intermingling together
Her teeth sparkle like diamonds.
teeth and diamonds
Our homework assignment today is a nightmare.
homework assignment and nightmare
That classroom is noisier than a NFL stadium on game day.
Neither - this is a hyperbole
This coat fits like a glove.
Fits perfectly
I will tell you anything you want to know.