Simple Sentences
Run-on Sentences
Simple, Compound, Complex or Run-On
Complex Sentences

A simple sentence needs three things to be complete. They are.

What is a subject, predicate, and a complete thought.


Correct this run-on sentence. We ran we walked.

We ran after we walked.


Where should the comma go ?

“You have all done an outstanding job on your tests” the teacher said.

“You have all done an outstanding job on your tests,” the teacher said.


The entire basketball team went to dinner after the game.

What is simple


Give and example a complex sentence.

What is answers will vary.


A simple sentence is also known as a

What is independent clause


Rewrite this run-on sentence as one compound  sentence: We ate all the pizza we still were hungry for more.

We ate all the pizza, but we still were hungry for more. 


Correct the run-on sentence: My mom is baking us cookies, my dad is mowing the lawn.

My mom is baking us cookies while my dad is mowing the lawn. 


I wanted to go to the mall yesterday, but instead we went to dinner.

What is compound.


When a subordinating conjunctions comes at end of sentence, what happens to the comma?

Kiss the comma goodbye

True or False. Simple sentences can have two subjects and two predicates.
What is True

Correct the run-on by creating a compound sentence: The students did their homework they could have some time to play after school.

The students did their homework, so they could have some time to play after school.


True or False

 A comma splice occurs when combining two independent clauses with a comma and a coordinating conjunction. 

What is False


My parents surprised us they told us we were going to Tennessee.

What is run on


What is the difference between a compound sentence and a complex sentence?

What is one has 2 independent clauses and the other has 1 or more.


Give an example of a simple sentence.

What is various answers..


Correct the run-on: I thought I saw a rat it was a hamster.

I thought I saw a rat, but it was a hamster.


A comma is necessary in a _______ sentence and some ________ sentences. 

What is compound/complex


Mr. Spieker and Batman ran to save the little girl when she was in the burning building.

What is complex


What is a subordinating conjunction?

What is a conjunction that make an independent clause dependent.


What is formed when you combine two simple sentences with a comma and coordinating conjunction?

What is compound sentence


Correct the run-on by creating a complex sentence: Sarah bought a new computer her old one was broken.

Sarah bought a new computer because her old one was broken.


A period does what...

What is separates two sentences.


The students at Northeast Middle School wear green and white; Nitschmann students wear blue and white though.

What is compound

Give an example of a subordinate conjunction.
What is Since, Although, Because, If, While, When, etc.