The sum of one and one:
What is 2?
The sum of three and three:
What is 6?
The sum of seven and ten:
What is 17?
The sum of nine and nine
What is 18?
The sum of four and seven:
What is 11?
The difference of ten minus five:
What is 5?
The difference of five minus three:
What is 2
The difference of seven minus two:
What is 5?
The difference of nine minus nine:
What is 0?
The difference of sixteen minus three:
What is 13?
The product of four and three:
What is 12?
The product of seven and two:
What is 14?
The produce of seven and seven:
What is 49?
The product of twenty-two and one:
What is 22?
The product of nine and nine:
What is 81?
The quotient of two divided by one:
What is 2?
The quotient of thirteen divided by one:
What is 13?
The quotient of fourteen divided by fourteen:
What is 1?
The quotient of forty-nine divided by seven:
What is 7?
The quotient of thirty-six divided by six:
What is 6?
The name of these numbers:
1/3, 5/8, 3/5
What are fractions?
Read this sentence:
What is, "five is greater than three"?
Read this sentence:
What is, "three is less than five"?
The name of these numbers:
What are odd numbers?
The name of these numbers:
What are even numbers?