Past Perfect Tense
Present Perfect Tense
Future Perfect Tense
The Simple Tenses
Name a Verb
The helping verb or helping verbs for past perfect tense are what?
The helping verb or helping verbs for present perfect tense are what?
has or have
The helping verb or helping verbs for future perfect tense are what?
will have
How do you change a REGULAR verb from simple present tense to simple past tense? Hint: The verb dance changes to______ in the past tense?
Add -ed on the end
Simple Present of "to go"
What is go?
Which of the following sentences is written in past perfect tense? A. The teacher thought she had gum in the treasure box. B. She had given it all out before she realized it was actually starburst. C. She has no more candy left!
B. She had given it all out before she realized it was actually starburst.
Fill in the blank with the correct helping verb (has or have). The students _________ visited the Pink Palace every year since 3rd grade.
Should the following sentence be corrected to contain a future perfect tense verb, or is it correct as is? I will play in three tennis tournaments by the time I finish school next May.
It should be corrected like this: I will have played in three tennis tournaments by the time I finish school next May.
How do you change IRREGULAR verbs from the simple present tense to the simple past tense? Hint: The verb run changes to ________ in the past tense.
middle vowel change
Simple Past of "to choose"
What is chose?
Which of the following sentences is written in past perfect tense? A. As the teacher told us to line up, I had just finished my lunch. B. I had a turkey sandwich, chips, and an apple. C. I have eaten that same old boring lunch since I was eight years old!
A. As the teacher told us to line up, I had just finished my lunch.
Fill in the blank with the correct helping verb (has or have). The committee of judges _________ decided on a winner!
Create your own sentence with a future perfect tense verb. Tell the teacher your sentence out loud.
Teacher will determine if sentence is correct.
What is the simple past tense for the verb "catch"? Spell it out.
Present Perfect of "to give"
What is have/has given?
Which of the following sentences does not use past perfect tense? F. By the end of a strong thunderstorm, the tree had fallen to the ground. G. Mr. Ling had a beautiful magnolia tree in his backyard. H. Mrs. Ling had nurtured the tree from a sapling. J. Losing the old tree had broken their hearts.
G. Mr. Ling had a beautiful magnolia tree in his backyard.
Create your own sentence with a present perfect tense verb. Tell your teacher your sentence out loud.
Teacher will determine if sentence is correct.
Which of the following sentences does not contain a future perfect tense verb? A. I will have planted my garden by next spring. B. I will have tomatoes, squash, and peppers in my garden. C. The vegetables will have made a lot of people happy when they eat them. D. I will have learned a lot about agriculture by the time I am through with my garden.
B. I will have tomatoes, squash, and peppers in my garden.
What are the simple past tenses for the following irregular verbs? Write them on the dry-erase board. Go, Think, break, buy, bring, say, and swim. They must all be spelled correctly to get credit!
went, thought, broke, bought, brought, said, swam
Future Perfect of "to wait"
What is will have waited?
Past Perfect of "to seek"
What is had sought?