Simple Present
Present Continuous
Negative Simple Present
Negative Present Continuous

Correcto o Incorrecto: She running to the store. 


She runs to the store. 


Correcto o Incorrecto: He playing soccer with his friends.


He is playing soccer with his friends.


Correct o Incorrect: I visit not do my family.

Incorrecto: I do not visit my family.


Correcto o Incorrecto: 

She not living at home.


She is not living at home.


Correcto o Incorrecto. 

The chairs are usually in front of the tables.


The chairs are usually behind the tables.


Cambia el verbo para que este en el simple presente:

They are walking to the library. 

They walk to the library.


Cambia el verbo para que este en el presente continuo:

She goes to work by car.

She is going to work by car.


Cambia la oración para que esté en el presente simple negativo:

She goes to work by car.

She does not go to work by car.


Cambia la oración para que esté en el presente continuo negativo:

Juan is working at the mechanic shop.

Juan is not working at the mechanic shop.


Cambia la preposición:

The papers are between the table.

The papers are on the table.


Corrige los errores: You and him goes to the store. They sells you toys. 

You and him go to the store. They sell you toys.


Corrige los errores:

Jane and Suzie moving are to a new house. 

Jane and Suzie are moving to a new house.


Corrige los errores.

She is not going to the store.

She does not go to the store. 


Corrige los errores.

They not eat food at lunch today.

They are not eating food at lunch today.


Corrige el error: 

Ms. Guzman's drink is under her desk.

Ms. Guzman's drink is on her desk.


Añada un verbo en presente simple que tenga sentido en la frase.

She ____________ sports with her friends. 

She plays sports with her friends.


Añada un verbo en presente continuo que tenga sentido en la frase.

She _____  __________ her clothes at the laundromat.

She is washing her clothes at the laundromat.


Añada las palabras que hacen falta para que la frase este en el simple presente negativo. Los verbos que escojan tienen que hacer sentido en la frase.

She _______ ______ ______ to the supermarket on Sundays.

She does not go the supermarket on Sundays.


Añada las palabras que hacen falta para que la frase este en el presente continuo negativo. Los verbos que escojan tienen que hacer sentido en la frase.

Gloria and Esteban _______ ________ ________ to the movies today.

Gloria and Esteban are not going to the movies today.


Añada la preposición que falta en la frase.

His backpack is _________ his chair.

His backpack is behind his chair.


Añada los verbos en presente simple que tengan sentido en la frase.

She __________ to eat pancakes for breakfast. She ____ in the dining room with her family. They _______ about what they like together.

She likes to eat pancakes for breakfast. She sits in the dining room with her family. They talk about what they like together.


Añada los verbos en presente continuo que tengan sentido en la frase.

We _____ _______ a lot of new words in English. We ___ ________ to summer school for one more day.

We are learning a lot new words in English. We are going to summer school for one more day.


Añada las palabras que hacen falta para que la frase este en el simple presente negativo. Los verbos que escojan tienen que hacer sentido en la frase.

They _____ ______ _______ tennis on Saturday. They ______ ______ _____ the outdoors.

They do not play tennis on Saturday. They do not like the outdoors.


Añada las palabras que hacen falta para que la frase este en el presente continuo negativo. Los verbos que escojan tienen que hacer sentido en la frase.

We ____ _____ _____ our couch, but we ____ ______ _____ a new one.

We are not liking our couch, but we are not buying a new one.


Añada la preposiciónes que faltan en la frase.

The candy is _______ the bag. The bag is _____ the table. The table is ________ two students. The teacher is _______ the table.

The candy is in the bag. The bag is on the table. The table is between two students. The teacher is behind the table.