What are your jobs?
Academic Heads
What's Syphax's favorite movie?
Up - so many balloons
When does the Presidents, Immortalized list stretch back to?
Around 20 years ago
How is Caecilius's demigod of a cook similar to a peacock?
They have the same suffixes when their cases change
Conference. (Answer this in the traditional Jeopardy form)
What is nonexistent?
Who were your direct predecessors?
Anirudh and Victoria
Ambulare/ambulat/ambulo/whatever declension, to walk, and per, meaning through
Hermogenes heads into the afterlife. What changes from the moment of his death in the eruption to the rest of his existence?
Nothing except his fiery fate now has a fundamental-forces-of-nature god, rather than a mountain, as its cause
What is the most consistent duty of the Classics President?
To chair meetings
What were the Ludi Circenses?
Shows given in the ring
What do you get when you mix a roughly elliptical wooden container and Munkensmat?
Name two of the people in the Chisel video
Vlad and Neil
Tell me :
- the names of three Titans,
- the names the brothers whose policies started the fall of the Republic, or
- which emperor built the wall in Britain, and his predecessor
(Three Titans), the Gracchi brothers, Hadrian and Traian
Translate semper ubi sub ubi, out loud. There is one answer to this directive.
Always when, under when
The Protector of Rome released in a certain year. Name the Harry Potter book which came out a year before that.
Goblet of Fire