According to the big picture question, who is God?
God is our Creator and the King of everything.
How many days did God take to create the world?
Six days, and He rested on the seventh.
Where did God place Adam to work and watch over?
The garden of Eden.
What do we call it when we disobey God’s commands?
What did God promise in Genesis 3:15?
That a Rescuer would come to defeat the serpent.
Why can we trust God’s commands?
Because He is good, holy, and true.
What did God say about His creation when He finished?
He said it was very good.
What command did God give Adam about the trees?
He could eat from any tree except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Who tempted Eve in the garden?
The serpent.
Who is the Rescuer God sent to save people from sin?
Jesus, God the Son.
Who decides what is good or bad in the world?
God decides, since He created everything.
Who were the first two people God created?
Adam and Eve.
Why did Adam and Eve try to hide from God?
They were afraid and ashamed after disobeying Him.
What is the ultimate consequence of sin, according to God?
Why is Jesus the perfect image of God?
Because He is holy and without sin.
What does it mean that God’s Word is true?
It means we can rely on everything He says and obey Him.
How are humans different from the rest of creation?
We are made in God’s image.
What did Adam do when God asked if he ate the fruit?
He blamed Eve for giving it to him.
How did sin affect Adam and Eve’s relationship with God?
It caused separation and brokenness.
How did Jesus live differently from Adam?
He lived a perfectly sinless life.
Why is God worthy of our obedience and worship?
He made us, rules over us, and always does what is right.
Why does God’s creation show His goodness?
Everything He makes reflects His perfect nature and plan.
How did God show mercy to Adam and Eve after they sinned?
He made clothes for them out of animal skins before sending them out of the garden.
What did God place at the entrance to the garden to guard the way back?
Angels and a fiery sword.
Why did Jesus come to earth as a man?
To rescue people from sin and restore their relationship with God.