Moderato, Andantino and Andante in order from slowest to fastest tempo.
What is Andante-Andantino-Moderato?
Key signature with 3 flats
What is Eb major?
In this musical period the form was very important, and the composer gave specific instructions on how to perform the music.
What is the Classical Period?
What you would see if composer indicated you should go back the beginning and play the end.
What is D.C. al Fine?
Where is Austria?
Dynamic marking to play very quietly.
What is pp (pianissimo)?
Key signature of c minor
What has 3 flats?
The period was marked with considerable improvisation by the performer. It also featured the harpsichord.
What is the Baroque Period?
What is dal segno (return to the sign)?
Where is Russia?
Notes that are written differently, but have the same sound (pitch).
What are enharmonics?
Key with 5 flats
What is Db Major?
ABA form
What is ternary?
How you should execute sfz
What is play with force and accented.
Where is Scotland?
"gracefully" (in Italian)
What is grazioso?
Key signature of F Major
What is 1 flat?
Form with 2 parts
What is binary?
This word in Italian indicates you should play sustained notes.
What is sostenuto?
Were is Korea?
What is to play sweetly?
This scale has only 1/2 steps.
What is a chromatic Scale?
Rondo form
What is A-B-A-C-A?
What is slow, but not as slow as Largo?
French Canadian Folk Song
What is #45?