Chapters 1-4
Chapters 5-9
Chapters 10-14
Chapters 15-19
Chapters 20-23

What does Bright Morning leave at the Mesa?

Her mother's sheep.


Why couldn't the girls escape from the Spaniards?

Tied them up by their hands and feet with leather throngs.


Why do the Navajos leave their canyon?

Long Knives post a letter saying they must leave their village.


What do the Long Knives do to the village? Give two examples.

Burned their homes; cut down and strip bark off peach trees; and/or trample through fields


Who is married in Bosque Redondo?

Tall Boy and Bright Morning


Who abducts Bright Morning and Running Bird?

Spaniards/Long Knives/Spanish slavers


Who gave the girls a sign of hope while being held by the Spaniards?

Hearing the owl's hoot reminded Bright Morning of home. It was a good omen for their escape.


Who saves Bright Morning and Running Bird, and what happens to them?

Tall Boy and Mando, Tall Boy is shot in the shoulder.


Why didn't the Long Knives leave the village after destroying it?

They were waiting for the Navajos to come out of hiding.


What is the Long Knive's plan to do to the Navajos?

To kill off their tribe, either through the long walk or starvation, or relocate them to a new area.


What was Tall Boy's first name? Why did it change?

River Boy; he killed a bear.


What do the Navajo believe wolves are? What kind of omen do they see them as?

They believe they are witches; they are bad omens.


Why does the village feel sorry for Tall Boy?

They think he won't be able to use his arm again.


Where are Bright Morning and her tribe taken to? What do the Long Knives describe it?

Bosque Redondo; it's a place of running water and deep grass


Where does Bright Morning want to escape to and why?

Back to the canyon to return to her mother's sheep; she does not want to have her child in Bosque Redondo.


What is the superstition behind Bright Morning's brother's death?

The gods do not like anyone to show too much happiness and punish those who don't obey them.


Who are the two other Native American girls that Bright Morning works with?

Nehana and Rosita.


Where do the Navajo retreat and what do they use to cover their tracks?

Mesa ridge; the river to cover their tracks.


How are Bright Morning and her tribe captured?

The Long Knives found their hiding spot because Tall Boy threw a lance (spear) at one, missing him and it landing at their horse's feet. The rest did not fight back and followed the Long Knives through their village and out of the canyon.


What happens to Tall Boy after he attacks the Apache?

He is taken prisoner by the Long Knives; he escapes by crawling through a garbage hole in the kitchen.


What did the Long Knives threaten to do to the village if the Warriors did this?

They would burn the village down if the Warriors didn't keep the peace.


How do the girls plan and carry out their escape from Fort Sumner?

Bright Morning pretends to be sick to prepare for escaping. She climbs over the fence with her dog to meet Nehana and Running Bird by the church. They take three horses to help them escape the fort.


What is the process into womanhood called and what does it consist of?

Kin-nadl-dah; four-day family event of cooking, working, singing, and the woman vs men run.


What is the name of the girl Bright Morning helps, and how does she help her?

Little Rainbow; she helps carry one of her children, Meadow Flower.

What does Bright Morning see in the meadow of the canyon? What does it signify?

A sheep and her lamb; hope and luck for the future