Bright Morning
Bright Morning's Tribe
Long Knives
Tall Boy
Family & More
How does Tall Boy describe Bright Morning when thinking of her as a wife?

Pretty, obedient, doesn't eat a lot


How did the men and women act when they got to Bosque Redondo?

The men and women just sat around and the men thought about life in the Canyon and gossiped about the Long Knives.


How did the Spaniards keep Running Bird and Bright Morning from running away during the night?

They tied their hands and feet


What weapon did Tall Boy teach himself to use with one arm?

A lance


What did Bright Morning do that made her mother no longer trust her with the sheep? How did she handle it?

Bright Morning left the sheep alone in the grove because it was snowing. Her mother went back up to the grove with BM and waited all night. She wouldn't speak to BM that night and wouldn't let BM lead the sheep for the rest of the season


What does Bright Morning name the baby she carried?

Meadow Flower


What tribe does Bright Morning belong to?



Why did Bright Morning get kidnapped?

To become a slave in a Spanish household


What could Tall Boy  no longer do after getting injured?

Go on raids or hunt


What is a piece of advice Bright Morning's family gave her during her wedding feast?

Do not scold, be patient, be polite


How did Bright Morning's brother die? Why did he die?

Struck by lightning by the Gods for showing "too much happiness" when he killed a 6 pronged deer


What does Bright Morning's tribe believe are wolves?



Why did the Long Knives strip the bark from the peach trees?

They wanted to starve Bright Morning's tribe


Why was Tall Boy taken by the Long Knives?

hitting an Apache


How does Bright Morning describe the Apache?

short, strong, and argue all the time


What does Bright Morning see with her son at the end of the story?

A ewe and her lamb


What are the roles or job that only women or men do in Bright Morning's tribe?

Typically, men hunt and raid. Women are sheep herders.


What camp do the Long Knives lead Bright Morning's tribe?

Bosque Redondo


Who saved Tall Boy's life?

Bitter Water

What is against tribal law between a mother-in-law and her son-in-law?

They cannot look each other in the eyes

What does Bright Morning often see in her dreams?

Home, her sheep, and Canyon de Chelly


What is a Womanhood Ceremony? What are some things Bright Morning had to do during the ceremony?

Marks transition from childhood to womanhood; grind 4 sacks of cornmeal, no sweets, not much salt or water, no scratching, not much sleep, gather wood, make a blanket, etc


Where did the Long Knives say they were taking Bright Morning's people?

to a place of running water and deep grass


What was Tall Boy's original name? Why did his name change?

River Boy; symbolised his great defeat of killing a brown bear


Describe two beliefs of the Navajo religion. What do they think are good or bad things?

Owls, ewes, and lambs = good omen

Witches disguise themselves as wolves

Too much happiness = struck by lightning