Sporting Occurrences
Pour Me Another
Idiom Idiosyncrasy
Unlikely Movie Synopsis
Musically Challenged

In baseball, if the ball is hit over the fence and the batter gets to "Touch 'em all"

What is a 'Home Run'?


Often drank 'the morning after', this alcoholic beverage contains vodka, Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco, and Clamato juice and helps a hangover 

What is a 'Caesar'?


This idiom is used for heavy precipitation involving common domestic animals

What is "Its raining cats and dogs"?


A rich orphan dedicates his life to committing crazy people to an insane asylum

What is 'Batman'?


This classical composer is known for being deaf

Who is 'Ludwig van Beethoven'?


When a team does not allow a single point/run against them throughout an entire game

What is a 'Shut-out'?


Juniper, star anise, coriander, and florals are all key ingredients for this spirit 

What is 'Gin'?


Often used when wanting to say "Good Luck" to someone - especially when on stage

What is "Break a leg"?


A jealous cowboy tries to convince a delusional spaceman that he is not on a mission

What is 'Toy Story'?


Actor Jared Leto is the frontman of this rock band

What is '30 Seconds to Mars'


A rowdy fan reaction to this would be to throw something on their head onto the playing surface in celebration

What is a 'Hattrick'?


Often taking 4-5x as many grapes due to a winter's harvest, this sweet drink is a nice pairing for cheese and dessert

What is 'Ice Wine'?


When it is too late to do something

What is "The ship has sailed"?


A computer programmer and hacker awakes to find out things aren't really as they seem

What is 'The Matrix'?


This singer's government name is Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou 

Who is 'George Michael'?


Arnold Palmer has accrued 21 of these over the course of his career

What is a 'Hole in One'?


In order for a whisky to be considered 'bourbon' it must be derived of at least 51% of this ingredient

What is 'Corn'?


Worrying or complaining about something that cannot be fixed/rectified

What is "Crying over spilt milk"?


A farmer destroys his crop to see ghosts play baseball

What is 'Field of Dreams'


Before Phil Collins, this British pop singer was the lead singer of 'Genesis'

Who is 'Peter Gabriel'?


Only 24 players in the history of baseball have ever achieved this feat where all batters are 'retired' in order where they do not allow anyone on base over an entire game

What is a 'Perfect Game'?


This ingredient has been forming for 360 million years and grows at the rate of 1mm per year and is used to create the signature smokiness of an Islay Scottish whisky.

What is 'Peat'?


Completing something by a very narrow margin

What is "By the skin of your teeth"?


A father and his amnesiac friend go on a life or death journey to recover his abducted son

What is 'Finding Nemo'?


This comedic actor was the drummer of a band called "The Leather Canary" which later was renamed to "Steely Dan" after his expulsion from university

Who is Chevy Chase?