What must you do before exiting your room?
knock and get permission
If you display a CI, when does DIBS 1 start?
Immediately after you earn the CI.
Mystery question
show me your coping skills card for credit
How are a Violation and a CI different?
CI is ore serious and causes you to drop to DIBS 1
How long do most kids stay at SIPP?
4-6 months
Name 2 things you use at SIPP but are not allowed in your room.
answer can vary: hygiene products, pencils,
For most kids, what is the maximum amount of violations you can earn in a day and still be a DIBS 3?
5 but no CI's
Why are good coping skills important?
So you can keep your cool when things bother you.
If you refuse schoolwork, how is that scored on your DIB Sheet?
1 violation for every 15 minutes you are not working.
What is the most important thing you need to maintain to be considered for discharge?
What do you do when you are finished eating a meal?
Ask to clear.
Name two privileges DIBS 4's have that others do not.
answers may vary
What is a coping skill you can use ANYWHERE?
Breathing, happy place, tapping
What counts as a Verbal Slur?
Mean things said about someone's race, gender, religion, ethnicity or disability.
Name three things required to attend Starfish Luncheon
multiple answers possible
What do you need to do before using the cottage bathroom.
sign in on the sheet
How many days in a row must you be on DIBS 3 to earn a DIBS 4 application?
List the two different ProSocials that mention coping skills.
DO something before I get upset
CALM from being upset within 10 minutes.
What's the difference between a physical threat and physical aggression?
Threat = try to hit, kick, strike
Aggression: actually did hit, kick, strike
What is different between a complaint and a grievance?
a grievance is when you believe your client rights have been violated.
When are you allowed to wear hats?
Only outdoors
How often should you review your DIB Sheet?
At least once per shift.
What does an XP ProSocial for coping skill mean on your DIB Sheet?
You used coping skills but needed staff to assist you.
How many days in a row absent any CI's is expected before Mr. Kevin will typically consider recommending discharge
Who is the "Boss" of SIPP?
Ms. Kacey is the boss
(Residential Director)