
At the very beginning, when the Prophet was just calling people to Islam, how did he call them?

In private, secretly

What was the age of the Prophet when he would spend long hours in a cave? What was the Cave called? Where was the cave located?

Older than 30. Hira. Outside Makkah


After the Prophet came back from the cave, after something special had happened, he was taken to someone? Who? 

Khadijah took the Prophet to her cousin, Waraqah ibn Nawfal, who was an old and learned Christian.

Who was the Angel who came to the Prophet in the Cave?

Angel Jibrail


Where was our Prophet born? What month? What year?

Makkah. Rabi ul Awwal. Year of Elephant. 


Who were the first 4 people who joined Islam after the Prophet?

1. Khadijah, his wife.   2. Zayd ibn Harithah, freed slave of the prophet.   3. Ali ibn Abi Talib, his cousin (son of Abu Talib, his uncle).   4. Abu Bakr ibn Quhafah, his best friend.


What would the Prophet do in the Cave?

Answers may include: feel sad about the bad things happening in Makkah/feel the pain of the people, spend long hours in deep thought, he would take enough food and drink to last him some days in the cave, think about the creation and the Creator. 


What are some bad things that were happening in Makkah before Muhammad (saw) became a Prophet?

The rich and powerful would hurt the weak, slaves and workers were treated harshly, other evil actions became normal.


Who was the Prophet's wife? How many kids did he have? How many daughters? Sons? What were his 2 nicknames?

Khadijah. 6. 4 daughters. 2 sons. Al-Amin (The most trustworthy) and As-Sadiq (The most honest)


What are some ways Ammar ibn Yasir and his parents were hurt for being muslims?

They were beaten and made to lie on the burning sand.


After the Prophet learned about what truly happened in the Cave, the next verses came down. What did they tell him to do?

1. Increase his night worship (tahajjud).   2. Call towards Allah (Islam).   3. Warn the people of the punishments that come with harming others. 


As Aisha (ra) said, what were some early signs of Prophethood that the Prophet had before he became one?

His dreams would come true. (Optional) he liked being alone.


Who died before he was born? List in order the people who took care of the Prophet when he was little. 

His dad, Abdullah. Halimah Sadiyyah (until 4). His mom, Amina (until 6). His grandfather (until 8). His uncle (until he grew older and could take care of himself)


How did the Prophet feel after combing back from the cave? Who did he go to? Explain the conversation that happened. 

He felt scared and went home to his wife, Khadijah. He said, "Cover me" so she brought a cloak for him. He explained what happened in the cave and how he was scared for his life. She spoke about how he had done so many good things that Allah would never purposefully give something bad to the Prophet. Some good things that he did were: he united families, beared the burden of the weak, helped the poor and the needy, was kind to guests, helped others in hardship in the path of truthfulness. 


What are some ways the Quraysh hurt the Prophet?

When he was praying, they strangled him with a rope. Another time, when he was in sajda, they dumped camel intestines on his back. 


Explain the conversation that happened between the Prophet and the person that Khadijah took him to.

The Prophet explained to Waraqah what happened in the Cave. Waraqah explained that the Angel was the same one who came to Musa (as). Waraqah explained that he was becoming a prophet and how the same things happened to the Prophet. Waraqah reassured him that he would support the Prophet when the Quraysh tribe would kick him out, if he were still alive. The Prophet was shocked as he was loved by his people at the time (al-amin and as-sadiq)


Describe what happened in the cave between the angel and the prophet. Add as many details as you can.

Jibrail said, “Read.” The Prophet replied, “I can’t read.” The Angel hugged him so hard that the Prophet became exhausted and let him go and said “Read” again. This repeated 3 times Jibrail read out the first 5 ayat of Surah Alaq. Read = Iqra


After calling the people of his clan to Islam, what did the Prophet do? Where? Who came?

He climbed Mount Safa. He began to call the other clans in the Quraysh tribe: Banu Fihr and Banu Adiyy. Many people from those clans came, and those who couldn't sent someone who could. Abu Lahab and the other leaders of those clans came as well. 


What did the leaders of the clans in Makkah do when they were at the gathering where the Prophet was inviting the other clans to Islam? What happened as a result?

When they realized that their people were starting to follow the Prophet, they were scared that no one would keep them as leaders. They went against the Prophet and his companions (they were a few). Slowly, they even began teasing and hurting the other early muslims for believing in Allah and his messenger.


Who was the first martyr of Islam? How did they die?

Sumayyah, Ammar ibn Yasir's mom. An enemy struck her with a spear. 


Who were the 2 people who called others to Islam? Name the 5 people who joined Islam because of them.


The Prophet and Abu Bakr. Uthman ibn Affan, Zubayr ibn Awwan, Abdur Rahman ibn Awf, Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas, Talhah ibn Ubaydillah.


Who were the 2 people who called others to Islam? Name the 5 people who joined Islam because of them.


The Prophet and Abu Bakr. Uthman ibn Affan, Zubayr ibn Awwan, Abdur Rahman ibn Awf, Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas, Talhah ibn Ubaydillah.

Explain what the Prophet said to the clans on the mountain. How did the people take the message?

The Prophet asked them if they would trust him if he said that there was an army coming from behind the mountain. The people "yes" because they trust him and have never heard him tell lies. He said that, similarly, he is also trying to warn them of a great punishment for those who don't join Islam. Abu Lahab replied, "May you be destroyed for spreading this message and wasting our time"


Who was Bilal (ra)? What are some ways that Bilal (ra) was tortured for being a muslim? Who would hurt him? Explain a powerful moment that shows how much of a muslim Bilal (ra) was.

He was a slave and his master was Umayyah ibn Khalaf. Umayyah would beat him, drag him through the streets with a rope around his neck, and would leave him without food or drink for days. Bilal was tied and made to lie on the hot sand with a giant rock on his chest—he wouldn't be freed unless he promised to leave Islam. Bilal continued to lay there saying "Ahad," which means the Only One. 


After the Prophet spent some time calling people to Islam privately, what did the next verses command him to do? What was the name of his clan? When he was talking to his clan, who didn't listen? Who responded to the one who didn't listen? What did they say?

"And warn the nearest people of your clan." Banu Hashim (The Banu Hashim clan is a part of the Quraysh tribe). Abu Lahab, his evil uncle. Abu Talib, his uncle, promised to protect his nephew (the Prophet) as long as he lived.