Student Behavior

A student athlete cannot attend practices or games for __days if they have a formative/summative assignment missing 

State the policy ARTICLE # and answer.

22.15; 7


True or False: You can still get the Honor Roll Award of Excellence even if you have one class with an 83%.

State the policy ARTICLE # and answer.

22.12; False


What percent of classes must students be in to receive full credit?

State the policy ARTICLE # and answer.

22.18; 85%


What is the consequence for a first-time offense of vaping or smoking on campus?

State the policy ARTICLE # and the answer.

22.24.5: A first-time offense results in 1 day of in school suspension and a parent meeting.


True or False: If the scheduled arrival back to school after an away game is past midnight, the student will get an excused absence as long as they are here for 3rd period the following day.

State the policy ARTICLE NAME and answer.

"Rules During Sports Seasons"; True.


On what specific days can a teacher not assign an assignment to be due?

State the policy ARTICLE # and answer.

22.10; First day back from major holiday


List the 4 offenses of tardies written in the student handbook.

State the policy ARTICLE # and answer.


1st offense: After-school detention & parent contact 2nd offense: 1 day In school suspension & parent meeting
3rd offense: 1 day outside school suspension & parent meeting
Subsequent offenses: outside school suspension and possible no intent form given for the following year


If a student is involved in a physical altercation and it is their second offense, what are the possible consequences regarding their enrollment?

State the policy ARTICLE # and the answer.

22.24.2: The second offense can lead to 1 to 5 days of Out of school suspension, and may have their enrollment taken away the following year.


If one of a student's classes grades fall below __%, they are prohibited from trying out for an athletics team.

State the policy ARTICLE # and answer.

22.14; 66%


If a student shows academic dishonesty, to which committee will the case be reported to?

State the policy ARTICLE # and answer.

22.24.1; High School Review Committee


A student registered in an AP class misses their AP exam due to illness and does not have a doctor's note. Under what conditions would they be required to take a final exam, and how would this exam affect their semester grade?

State the policy ARTICLE # and the answer.

22.22: The student would be required to sit for the course's final exam if they miss the AP exam without a doctor's note or do not make a good faith effort on all sections of the AP exam. This final exam would count for 10% of their Semester 2 grade.


What is the consequence for a first-offense of being caught in possession of or consuming alcohol at an international trip?

State the policy ARTICLE # and the answer.

22.24.6; 1-year suspension from international trips.