What is H2O?
What is superman's weakness?
Who is the Prime Minister of Canada?
Justin Trudeau
What is Chemistry?
Chemistry is the study of Matter.
What is the slithering snake like villain in Monsters, INC.?
Randall Boggs
Who invented the light bulb?
Thomas Edison
"mR sTArK I dOn'T fEeL sO gOoD"
Who said this?
Peter Parker/Spiderman
Who is the President of the United States?
Donald Trump
What are Prokaryotic Cells?
Single celled organisms that do not contain membrane organelles like the mitochondria.
The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe features Aslan the king and god of Narnia. What animal is he?
A Lion
This bitsh empy...
What is the TransCanada pipeline?
The TransCanada pipeline is a system of natural gas pipelines, up to 121.92 centimetres (48 Inches) in diameter, that carries gas through Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec. It is maintained by TransCanada PipeLines, LP. It is the longest pipeline in Canada.
What is the 12 element on the Periodic Table
In The Lord of the Rings, what was Smégol's name after he became corrupted by the Ring?
Who is the leading electric cars company?
Who said this?
Ugandan Knuckles
Na,e 2 candidates for the Winnipeg mayoral election?
Brian Bowman, Umar Hayat, Don Wookstock, Doug Wilson, EdAckerman, Jennifer Motkaluk
What are the 4 main elements that all living beings are made of?
Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Hydrogen
What nationality was Alan Rickman's villain character in Die Hard?
"Jonny Jonny Yes papa?"
Finish the meme.
"Eating sugar? No papa. Open you mouth. HAHAHAHAHA"