Prepare for sport-specific sessions with foundation level participants
Conduct sport-specific sessions with foundation level participants
Complete sport-specific session with foundation level participants

Identify and explain a tactical skill that you would deliver to a foundation level participant of soccer.

2v1 - explain how you would teach this and the benefits....

Tactical skills are the tactics that a player uses to gain an advantage over others. 


You are provided with a session plan and list of duties for the upcoming training session. As an assistance coach how could you confirm with the head coach?

1. Read the session plan & list of duties and summarise your understanding

2. Ask clarifying questions to the head coach


Outline how you can promote cooperation and good relationships in the group for the training season.

1. Make the participants feel safe

2. Build rapport

3. Consistently mix up groups so participants meet and play with all participants

4. All participants are aware of the rules and expectations of play


A participant is continually talking throughout the session and is becoming a distraction to others in the session. List and explain a strategy you would use to address this issue in your lesson without having to report to the head coach for assistance.

Non-verbal communication - stop talking & wait for the participant to notice or eye off the participant to indicate that they are doing the wrong thing. 


Every participant is different in the way that they learn and take in information. What are the 3 different type of learning styles?

Auditory learners

Kinesthetic learners

Visual learners


Identify and explain a technical skill that you would deliver to a foundation level participant of soccer.

Passing the ball - explain how you would teach this....

Technical skills are basic skills that are gradually built up to be more complex technical skills. 


When preparing a session you will need to select and check the equipment. How she can do both of these tasks to ensure that you have everything you need, and that the equipment being used is safe.

Select - equipment should be selected based on the equipment list provided and used as a checklist.

Check - equipment checks should be conducted prior to the session ensuring safety of use, ensuring its clean and useable 


Identify and explain 3 different coaching communication styles that you can use when delivering to foundation level participants. 

1. Non-verbal communication

2. Open & closed questions

3. Instruction & demonstration

4. Active listening

5. Giving & receiving feedback

6. Tone & level of voice

7. Terminology & language 


During the session, Ben and Bill, have a physical altercation which requires the coaches to intervene and break up the altercation. Who should you notify? Outline what she would need to do as follow up.

Head coach & parents

Complete an incident report with details about what happened, discuss the incident with the parents. 


There are 3 methods in teaching a skill. What are they and explain the difference between them. 

Part Skill - breaks down the skills and teaches each element separately before bringing the whole skill together.

Whole skill - the skill is taught in its entirety with no break down. 

Whole-Part-Whole skill - the whole skill is shown and tried, a breakdown of the skills and sequences is conducted before performing the whole skill again


What is constructive feedback?

Constructive feedback is providing useful comments that are individualized, specific, encouraging and designed to develop specific sport skills. 


You have been asked to view the session plan and include the behaviours that are expected of you as an assistant coach. List 3. 

Arrive on time

Use appropriate language

Promote positive interaction and participation

Use self reflection to identify areas for improvement


What are two things you should do when instructing, demonstrating and confirming participant understanding?

Instructing - provide only 3-5 instructions & limit the use of jargon

demonstration - demonstrate the skill numerous times & complete the actions slowly

confirming - participants can verbally summarise what they heard & ask open ended questions


You have been given constructive criticism from the head coach about your interpretation and understanding of the session plan. Suggest how you can reflect on this feedback for future improvements.

Self reflection - Use a diary or journal - create a list of areas for improvement and what you have done well. Reflect on what you can change for the next session.


List 3 examples of protective equipment and explain why protective equipment is important. 

Helmet, Goggles & Shin guards

Protective equipment is required in some sports to prevent injury. Some sports have protective equipment that is highly advised to wear and some have it as compulsory. 


Describe a method that a coach could use to provide constructive feedback.

The sandwich method - start with a positive comment, then address an area for improvement and conclude with another positive comment. 


Outline 2 strategies that you can use to ensure that all participants understand how to use the provided equipment correctly for an activity.

1. Monitor participants to ensure that they are using the equipment appropriately and safely.

2. Provide clear instructions, demonstrations and expectations for the use of equipment. 


Define tone and provide an example of how a coach can vary their tone to make instructions easier to understand for their participants.

The tone of your voice is how you speak and relates to the volume, speed, pitch and timbre of your voice. 

A coach can vary their tone through volume, speed, pitch and timbre to express an important point or grab the attention of participants. 


How do you define a foundation level participant?

They are beginners. They have never done the sport or activity before and will require a high degree of instruction and demonstration. 


What are the 4 sections of a sports session?


Warm Up

Main Body

Cool Down


You have been asked to give the students feedback on the session at the end of training. Outline how you will deliver the feedback to the students. 

The sandwich method


At the conclusion of the session outline how you should check equipment for signs of wear and tear and ensure that all equipment is packed up safely

1. Visual inspection

2. Equipment should be stored safely and in a designated place. While transporting equipment you should only lift what you can and have a clear walking path


Explain the difference between open and closed questions and provide one example to highlight this.

Closed question - requires and yes or no answer. "are you ready to start?"

Open question - require more than a one-word answer with detail. "how do you think the last play went?"


Its a 30 degree day and you are conducting a session with foundation participants. How often should you be providing hydration breaks?

Every 15-20mins


Outline 5 elements that you should see in a session plan.




Equipment list

Session details