This is what you need to apply for a library card.
First Card is Free!!
Poetry and history are part of this genre of book.
Non Fiction
Black History Month is on what month
If you are bored this summer, you can do this.
A snakelet.
The library is always quiet. True or false?
False. There are spaces in the library for noisier activities, centers, technology and storytime.
What genres is " Wonder" an example of?
Realistic Fiction.
This is the main difference between tap water and ocean water.
This is what you can do to search for a book at the library
Shonen and Shojo are manga genres for this age group.
Tweens and teens.
This is the number of library branches in the Yonkers
Fantasy and Science Fiction are part of this genre of book.
This is the force that causes objects to fall to the ground.
True or false. You can only get books at our library.
This is how many wheels will 99 bicycles and one tricycle have in total?
The best librarian in the city!
Sister Aneesa of course ;)
Books with unicorns, mermaids and dragons are in this genre of book.
This species can live both in water and on land?
This is the age a person must be to get their own library card.
grade 1 and up
This is how you say "Library" in American Sign Language.
Using library materials costs this much money.
Zero dollars. The library is free!
This genre usually has a problem to solve, using clues and investigation.
This red-shelled insect often known as a "ladybug" is in fact a type of ____.
True or false. You need a library card to check out
There are this many days left in this school year.
About 80-95 days