Coping Skills

Is anger a normal emotion? Why or why not

It is NORMAL to feel angry, everyone feels angry from time to time! Feeling angry is NOT a bad thing...all feelings are OK


What are coping skills and when should you use them? 

A coping skill is something you can do to make yourself feel better when you are experiencing a negative emotion like anger, stress, anxiety, or sadness


What are boundaries? 

A boundary is a rule that you create for yourself about how others are allowed to treat you.


What does it mean to compromise?

Compromising is when two people disagree on something and they are able to find a solution that they both can agree on.


What is empathy? 

Putting yourself in someone else's shoes to know how they are feeling

Name three ways anger shows up in your body

- Skin gets hot

- Start to shake

- Start to sweat

- Start to cry

- Heart rate increases


Name three coping skills you can use when angry

- Count to ten 

- Use deep breathing

- Use progressive muscle relaxation 

- Go for walk 

- Use an "I Feel" statement 

- Take a shower 

- Do something creative


Name three of your own boundaries 

- How others touch you 

- Personal space and privacy 

- What others know about you 

- How others talk to you


Name three different ways you can compromise about something

1. Share with the other person or take turns 

2. Communicate and listen to the other person's needs

3. Trade or swap something 

4. Combine two ideas into one 

5. Start over and think of something new


Why is empathy important? 

Empathy helps you know how to respond to people in the most helpful way

Name three of your anger triggers

- When someone calls you a mean name

- When someone makes fun of you

- When you get in trouble for something someone else did 

- When someone takes your things without asking


What is self talk? Give two examples of positive self talk you can use when angry. 

Self-talk is things you say to yourself inside your head. Self-talk can either be positive or negative. 

"It's okay to feel angry right now, but its important to stay calm"

"Think about what the consequences might be"

"Getting angry wont solve the problem, how can I solve this problem?"


What can you do if someone crosses one of your boundaries?

Communicate your boundary to them by calmly letting them know that what they did wasn't okay. If someone is repeatedly not respecting your boundary, it is important to tell an adult you trust!


Your sister wants oreos and you want chocolate chip cookies. You can only buy one type of cookie. How can you compromise? 

1. Get oreos this week and chocolate chip cookies next week. 

2. Choose a third type of cookie that you both enjoy. 


How can you tell what another person is feeling? 

- Their tone of voice

- Their facial expressions and body language

- The words they are using


Why is it important to recognize your anger warning signs? 

If you recognize your anger, you can take action and manage it in a healthy way. For example, you can utilize a positive coping skill or communicate your feelings to others instead of doing something that can hurt yourself or others


What is the purpose of using "I feel" statements and why are "I feel" statements important? 

"I feel" statements can help you communicate your concerns, feelings, and needs without blaming others or sounding threatening. 

It is important to tell others how you feel because you are giving them important information that they can then use to take action. Remember, people can't read minds and if you don't communicate with others, they may never know how you feel!


What is something you can say to someone who crosses one of your boundaries? 

"I don't allow people to treat me like that"

"I don't think that is funny, please stop"

"You're standing too close to me, can you back up"

"I don't like being called that name"


Your mom gives you and your sister 30 dollars to pick out a new game. You can't agree on what game to get. How can you compromise? 

1. Communicate and listen to why each person wants a certain game

2. Split the 30 dollars equally and each get a game you want 


Your sister failed her math test and is very upset, what can you say or do to cheer her up? 

- Tell her she tried her best and can work on getting better in math 

- Tell her everyone makes mistakes sometimes

- Help tutor her in math 

- Support her in talking to her math teacher 


Demonstrate how to do deep breathing AND progressive muscle relaxation

You got this (: 


Why are boundaries important in relationships?

Boundaries help to create a clear guideline of how you would like to be treated. They let others know what is and what is not okay/acceptable. They also help us to build trust, safety, and respect in relationships.


You and your sister can't decide what show to watch on TV. How can you compromise? 

1. Watch one episode of each show 

2. Communicate and listen about why your sister wants to watch her show 

3. Watch one show for 15 minutes and the other for 15 minutes 

4. Pick a different activity to do or a different show to watch 


You made a joke about your sister. She doesn't find it funny and now her feelings are hurt. What can you say or do to make her feel better? 

- Apologize to her 

- Give her a hug

- Ask her what you can do to make it up to her