How many times did Ross get divorced?
What is 3 times? (Carol, Emily, Rachel)
This character lives across the hall from Jerry.
Who is Cosmo Kramer?
When playing a prank, Sheldon often says this.
What is Bazinga!?
This character is addicted to yogurt
Who is Terry?
This character was Michael's "secret weapon" in the warehouse basketball game.
Who is Stanley?
What holiday does Chandler hate?
What is Thanksgiving?
The main cast often visit this coffee shop.
What is Monk's?
This character owns a comic book store.
Who is Stuart?
This character is Captain Holt's assistant for most of the series.
The number of times Jim claims to have tricked Dwight into thinking he's been recruited by the CIA
What is 3?
Who was (accidentally) Monica's first kiss?
Who is Ross?
George's fiancée died from this ailment.
What is tainted envelope glue from their wedding invitations?
Amy Farrah Fowler works in this scientific field.
What is neuroscience?
These characters are the underachievers on the show.
Who are Hitchcock and Scully?
Pam goes to this art school.
What is the Pratt Institute?
Phoebe's alter-ego was named this
What is Regina Phalange?
George's dream job was this.
What is an architect?
Penny and Bernadette met while working at this restaurant.
What is the Cheesecake Factory?
Captain Holt injures his wrist participating in this hobby.
What is hula hooping?
When Andy is manager, he plays this song at the end of the work day.
What is Closing Time?
Joey played this character on Days of Our Lives
Who is Drake Ramoray?
Jerry placed this type of candy on Elaine's knee during a piano recital.
What is Pez (Pez Dispenser)?
Of the main cast, only these two characters did not have PhDs.
The 99 visits this Die Hard film location, much to Jake's excitement.
What is Nakatomi Plaza?
The name of the group that Michael promised to pay the college tuitions of.
What is Scott's Tots?