College Trips
Financial Aid Night
SAT Registration
Final Reporting
LGR Celebration
Each student needs to turn in this document before departing on a college trip.
A permission slip, signed by a parent or guardian
Aside from your students and coaches, who must you invite to your Financial Aid Night?
Students' families
If a student is eligible for free/reduced price lunch, s/he is also eligible for two of these in his/her lifetime.
SAT registration fee waiver
During the last week of classes before the LGR Celebration, students and coaches should fill out these.
Post-Program Surveys
What must you return to eligible students during the class time prior to your LGR Celebration?
What are two potential modes of transportation you can use to visit a college?
Rent a bus (ask for 3 quotes); public transportation (research group deals); use a car or van provided by your site (with a trained driver)
In combining Financial Aid Night with this other event, you will be able to have a fun, community-filled night of learning and celebration!
LGR Celebration
For which SAT are students registering?
An important part of final reporting, this document shows when and how you spent your allocated budget. What is this document, and what should go along with this document? (Must name both to get the points.)
Your Expense Record and ALL of your receipts taped neatly to pieces of paper and numbered in order
This is the biggest expense of your celebration...and will also make the most people happy.
Why should you prep your tour guide/admissions staff about LGR before the tour?
To make the college tour more targeted to our student audience
What technology needs might your financial aid speaker need that you’d have to arrange beforehand?
Projector and screen; photocopies of handouts
What are some things you need to do before beginning SAT registration at your site? (Provide at least 4 answers.)
Reserve a computer lab; make sure you have fee waivers; make sure you have credit card numbers for students who can't use fee waivers; have students create Collegeboard accounts or write down their username/password if they already have one; take photos of students who have not registered before and make sure you have a way to upload them
This document will leave useful information for next semester's Site Directors regarding partnerships, helpful resources, and best practices.
Legacy Doc
About how much time in your final class should be devoted to the celebration?
One hour
Aside from a campus tour and info session, what are some things you can ask Admissions to provide or arrange? (Provide at least 2 answers.)
Mock class; student panel; lunch; college swag
What are some resources you can use to find a financial aid speaker? (Provide at least 2.)
Legacy Doc; site partners; local CBOs specializing in financial aid; your college’s financial aid office
Name everything a student should bring on test day. (Provide at least 4 answers.)
#2 pencil; photo ID; calculator; snacks; admission ticket
You must postmark or hand-deliver final reporting to the LGR office by what date?
May 9th
What are some accomplishments for which you can create student awards? (Provide at least 2 answers.)
Score improvement; perfect attendance; College Choice completion
How can you prepare students for a successful college visit? (Provide at least 2 answers.)
Give students information about the college you're visiting; encourage students to come up with questions for tour guides; practice a good handshake; do mock-tours/info sessions in the classroom; discuss appropriate clothes and college-going etiquette
What information about your student population should you be sure to pass on to your financial aid speaker so that s/he can deliver a relevant presentation? (Provide at least 2.)
How many are first-generation; how many qualify for free/reduced price lunch; if a significant number speak a language other than English; if a significant number are undocumented
This four-digit code is integral to LGR's process. It allows the organization to track student SAT scores and make our program more effective. Each student must input this code when registering for his/her SAT.
All of your ETO must be done by this date...or you won't get your final paycheck!
May 7th
Which members of the LGR community should you be sure to invite to, and at the very least mention at, your celebration? (Provide at least 4 answers.)
Coaches; students' families; community partners; high school partners; college partners; donors; custodial staff