Service/Housing Site
Group Bonding
If a participant wants to do this, have them find a buddy and notify the Site Leaders of the route that they are taking.
What is a participant would like to go running/walking?
Referring the participant to the application to see what expenses are covered by the budget or connecting them with the Program Coordinator are two actions that you can take if this happens.
What is a participant voices concerns about the budget?
Hopefully, participants learn enough before the trip through education, orientation, training (EOT) that this won't happen.
What is a participant is uncomfortable with the service they are performing?
Making sure no participant feels pressured toward any one activity and that each group is accompanied by a Site Leader is what you do if this happens.
What is some participants want to do one activity, and others want to do another activity?
Getting to know the participant on a more personal level and finding out what they would like to do to feel more comfortable will help participants from feeling this way.
What is one student feels left out?
When this happens, call the Graduate Assistant. Have a conversation with the participant(s) and discuss the FSAB Alcohol and Drug Policy they signed prior to the trip.
What is a member has used alcohol or drugs on the FSAB trip?
Explaining to participants that food on travel days was not included in their trip cost is something you should do in case this happens.
What is a participant does not bring money for food for travel days?
This is the person you check with before posting pictures of your service on social media.
Who is the agency supervisor?
Unifying the group through bonding activities that require participants to work with one another in partners or small groups separate will prevent this from forming.
What is cliques form within the group?
Before you unpack your bags at the housing site, do this.
What is text/call the graduate assistant?
Making sure the van is parked in a safe space, assessing the driver's situation, and potentially switch drivers or taking a break are things to do to reverse this feeling.
What is a participant is concerned about poor driving?
Visiting a historic building, having dinner with the community partner, and having coffee and beignets with a walk in the city are examples of
What is community engagement?
Talking with your group about ways to make the housing site more comfortable such as cleaning together or creating a cleaning chart for communal spaces are ways to address this situation.
What is a participant arrives at the housing site and refuses to sleep there because it is too dirty?
Taking them aside for a conversation and asking if something is wrong and addressing the source of this feeling are ways to alleviate this.
What is one student is a "downer" or consistently negative?
Extra reflection supplies, first aid kits, and a nice note about how great your trip was are great things to leave where?
What is Elaine's desk?
Ensuring the group is in a safe space (off to the side of the road) and calling the Program Coordinator are two things to do if this happens.
What is the van breaks down?
Site Leaders are responsible for the money, and they will have to repay the institution or a hold can be placed on registration or graduation if this happens. A police report must be filed in the event of this happening.
What is the money that has been allotted by FSAB to a Site Leaders gets lost or stolen?
Asking the participants if they are comfortable sharing items or for more personal items, making a trip to the local store so that the participant can purchase items are things you can do this if this happens.
What is a participant has forgotten to bring something on the packing list such as toothpaste or a towel?
Talking to your participants in advance, inviting family and friends to a community engagement activity or to the housing site for dinner one evening are things you if this happens.
What is one participant wants to visit family members in town?
Doing you best to support and comfort the student in this situation, allowing them to find times to talk to friends or loved ones during times that will not disrupt group bonding or service might help students ease this feeling.
What is a participant feels homesick?
Calling 911 and then the Program Coordinator are two things you must do if this happens.
What is a trip member has a medical emergency.
Signing a certification statement, making sure to transfer information from receipts to the receipt log throughout the trip, and taking a picture of each receipt are things to do in case this happens.
What is a Site Leader loses a receipt or the receipt pouch?
Including each member of the trip to assist in meal planning and preparation or communicating allergies or special food accommodations to agency partners prevents this from happening.
What is a participant does not like the food provided by the group or agency?
Creating expectations for one another and setting the example will help this from happening.
What is one participant is consistently on his/her phone or causing distractions during service or reflection?
Taking the two aside and reminding them that they are on a service trip and they need to be engaged in the group and reflection activities is what you do if this happens.
What is two participants have formed a romantic relationship before or while on the trip and are now excluding themselves from the group?