service Visit observation
IFSP meeting observation
Documentation basics
Process of IFSP

This skill is mentioned twice in "During Visit" section of Visit observation form as reflective and active.

What is listening?


The IFSP observation form specifically says this must be fully explained to the parents.

What is the contents of the IFSP?


The areas of each visit note that must each have something in them.

What are update, today, and plan tabs


True or false.  Present Levels of development are reviewed as part of eligibility determination discussion at the beginning of IFSP meetings and again as part of the IFSP process and guide the outcomes that are developed.

What is true?


The meaning of the acronyms MOU or MOA regarding agreements between organizations.

What is Memorandum of Understanding or Memorandum of Agreement?


The "End of Visit" section lists these 2 items to "be completed jointly"

What are "between visit plan" and "next visit plan"?


Items 1, 3, and 4 on IFSP observation form list these 3 requirements in IDEA regulations.

What are required team participants, convenient time and place for family, and in family's native language?


UP to 3 process includes documenting this when electronic signatures will be requested since parents cannot sign over zoom.

What is documenting that verbal consent was given and electronic signature will be requested.


This section of parents' concerns, priorities and resources that is completed in the discussion at the IFSP meeting and should have outcomes to address each one. 

What are the parent priorities?


UP to 3 has MOUs with these two types of organizations

What are School districts and EHS


The "During Visit" section says to comment on these 2 items and call attention to this one.

What are family strengths in interactions, child strengths and progress, and Child's communication initiations, expression, cues, responses?


Three items that the team doesn't have to discuss together at the IFSP meeting.  Only the service coordinator needs to ensure they are discussed and completed.

What are Parents Rights review, Fee discussion, and  transition discussion.


This box must be checked to document that parents communicated they don't want to have proposed visits.

What is the "parent declined to schedule" box in contact log?


Outcomes are written to be completed in family _______ and should address all parent _______.

What are routines and priorities?


The three MOUs listed on the Baby Watch Website that guide processes local EI programs must follow.  

Daily double if you can describe what organizations these MOU's are with.

What are CAPTA,Transition, USDB?


Item 4 and 5 in "Beginning of Visit Section" identify these specific family roles for the visit.

What are identify family priorities and give input on strategies and practices to be addressed in the visit?


Five items the service coordinator leads the whole team in discussing at the IFSP meeting.

What are Present Levels of Development, statement of Parent Concerns Priorities and Resources, routine-based outcomes, service pattern, and Justifications as needed?


Up to 3 process includes documenting this on the IFSP meeting visit note when visits are proposed as a combination of in-person and virtual services. 

What is a discussion of proposed hybrid services with parents.


____ must be determined through multidisciplinary evaluation by two or more qualified personnel representing different ________ who have current EI specialist credentials and knowledge in areas of parents' _______.

What are ICO, disciplines, concern?


Where electronic copies of UP to 3 MOUs are stored.

What is Box file called "Interagency agreements" in Up to 3 admin. Also in Up to 3 Staff Resources Box file?


Items 2, 3, and 4 in the "Beginning of visit section" identify 2 items to review with the family and one specific thing to ask the family. 

What are review the "Between Visit plan" and the "Next Visit Plan" and ask if they had any new challenges or ongoing concerns to discuss?


BWEI has emphasized that full sentences should be included for these three sections of the IFSP.

What are PLD, CPR, and strategies from outcomes?


The three parts of the visit note and what evaluators should include in each part.

What are 1- update -routines/activities, concerns 2- Today - evaluation results, discussion of what evaluator saw, 3- Plan - next visit, recommended outcomes or if adding services.  


Parents have these 7 rights according to IDEA and BWEI brochure.

Double points if 1 person on your team can name all 7 without looking or help.

What are 1-Give informed consent for assessment, services, or sharing information., 2-receive notification in writing regarding changes to eligibility, IFSP meetings, services, or declining parents requested changes. 3-coordinated IFSP, 4-service in natural environment, 5-confidentiality, 6-review records, and 7 -resolve disagreements?


Two of the three organizations we share electronic records with in Box file.  

What are EHS, Sound Beginnings, or Centro de la Familia?