Percentage of Language Impaired Kindergarteners who are also reported to be poor readers.
What is greater than 25%?
The three equally relevant components of evidence-based practice.
(name 2)
What are clinical expertise, expert opinion, and external scientific evidence?
To determine if further assessment is needed.
What is the sole purpose in conducting any type of screening?
The source or cause of any medical condition.
What is etiology?
This type of enthusiasm can interfere with your activities of daily living.
Special Interest OR Hyper-fixation?
What is a hyper-fixation?
Percentage of general 2-year old population who present with Late Language Emergence.
What is between 10-20%?
The five components of a PICOT clinical question.
(name 2)
What are population, intervention, comparison, outcome, and timeline?
A rule-governed systematic variation of a language.
What is a dialect?
The determination process of comparing and contrasting between two or more conditions which share similar signs or symptoms.
What is differential diagnosis?
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is one potential cause of Intellectual Disability. Is FAS considered a pre-natal, peri-natal, or post-natal condition?
What is prenatal?
Percentage of children with Late Language Emergence who catch up and demonstrate normal language development by the time they reach late preschool or early school-age.
What is greater than 50%?
(exact answer is 50-70%)
Skills negatively and directly impacted by a written language disorder.
(name 2)
What are reading fluency, decoding, reading comprehension, spelling, and written expression?
A socially shared and rule-governed code for representing concepts through arbitrary symbols.
What is a language?
The number of people who are chronically living with a condition.
What is prevalence?
You must always conduct a language screening prior to conducting a full language assessment.
True or False?
What is false? Obvious cognitive delays present a situation in which language screenings are not necessary prior to requesting permission to conduct a complete language assessment.
Percentage of the general population who have a neurodivergent condition.
What is 15-20%?
Essential pieces to be included when collecting a client's case history.
(name 2)
What are birth history, medical history, family history, family's concerns, teacher's concerns, and languages or dialects used in the home?
The three domains of language.
What are content, form, and use?
Immediate or delayed repetition of utterances.
What is echolalia?
A person with Down Syndrome will usually have an enlarged oral cavity...OR... A person with Down Syndrome will usually have an enlarged tongue.
What is an enlarged tongue?
Percentage of times that APD is due to HI.
What is zero percent?
Aspects potentially negatively impacted following TBI.
(name 2)
What are voice, feeding, swallowing, digestive system, behavior, emotions, sensory perception, hearing, vision, speech, language, cognitive level, gross motor skills, and fine motor skills?
The shared focus of two or more individuals on the same object or event.
What is joint attention?
Dr. Barry Prizant refers to Autism as a disability of this.
What is trust?
specifically: trusting people, trusting your own body, and trusting the world
Language Disorders are usually identified and diagnosed prior to Learning Disabilities... OR... Learning Disabilities are usually identified and diagnosed prior to Language Disorders.
What is LI is recognized before LD is recognized?