What is Analise's middle name?
What is grandma's favorite color?
How old was Yella when he lost his toes?
What village is Sau from?
What Papa's first job? And how old was he?
20. Grocery store in Nukualofa (Onetale)
What is Havili's favorite food?
Chocolate dumplings (Din tai fung)
What are Papa's 2 favorite foods?
Lu sipi and puaka tunu
How much money per hour did Bonnie make at her first job?
$4. Picking raspberries at 10 years old in Garden City, Utah
How many years did Lita teach?
What was the Siuluas first phone number in Kearns?
What was Jon and Susiane's first date movie?
Nacho Libre
Who is the tallest member of the Siulua family? And how tall is that person?
Ata 6'4
Who is Malakai's favorite teacher?
What is Eli's favorite color?
Lello (yellow)
What year did Leina graduate highschool?
What time in the morning was Melia born?
6:42am at University Hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah
How many of Papa's siblings are still alive?
3. Eseta, Matelita, Onesi
What does Kaivei want to be when he grows up?
Who is Ema's favorite Disney princess?
Who was the only person to play sports in college in the Siulua extended family?
What city and country did Siane and Jon go to for their honeymoon?
Tulum, Mexico
Name all the Siulua grandkids from oldest to youngest
Melia, Analise, Malakai, Havili, Ema, Kaivei, EJ, Maka, Eli
What is Maka's favorite number?
What is EJ's favorite movie?
Sonic 3
What is Ata's PhD in?
Anthropology specializing in ethnomusicolgy