Columbus and "D"
Cabot and "D"
Champlain and "D"
La Salle and "D"
Coronado and "D
The number of voyages Columbus made to "The New World"
What is Four?
Where Cabot (and Columbus) were born and in what year?
What is 1451 and Genoa, Italy
The Year Vasco da Gama died and the job he had recently taken up in India.
What is 1524 and Viceroy (or governor)?
King Manuel I
What Portuguese king commanded Vasco da Gama to set out on his journey?
The length of time it took Da Gama to return with riches from his trip to India.
What is about two years?
The Three ships Columbus sailed on his first voyage.
What are the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria?
The name of the one ship King Henry of England gave Cabot and the number of crew he took with him (including his son)
What is one and eighteen?
Quebec City
What is the name of the town (and later city) Champlain founded on the St. Lawrence River in 1608?
How LaSalle died in 1687
He was murdered by his own men who probably wanted to return to New France.
"The Seven Cities of Cibola"
What were the fabled cities of gold Coronado and his expedition set out to find?
Japan, China and India
What were the lands Columbus died believing he had reached?
The year John Cabot first sailed from England and explored parts of Canada?
What is 1497?
Explorer, writer, navigator, fighter and governor
What were some of the "talents" of Samuel De Champlain?
The early travels of LaSalle and his crews took him to these places.
What are The Great Lakes, New York and possibly The Ohio River.
At least three of the places in what is now The United States Coronado visited.
What are The Grand Canyon, The Colorado River and Western Kansas. There are others you may list for credit.
Why Columbus is considered the first European to "discover" The New World
What is: bringing back proof such as navigation calculations, samples of plants and even natives Columbus called "Indians"
Although Cabot disappeared on his second voyage, this is why his trips were important to one country.
What is English ability to claim parts of North America and later establish colonies?
Vermont and New York
What are the two states of The United States that now border Lake Champlain?
Where LaSalle was born and probably died
What is France (Rouen) and near Huntsville, Texas?
Although he still held government positions, why was Coronado's reputation ruined?
What is being accused of abusing the Native Americans he both took with him and met along the way. Also, not finding any riches didn't "enrich" his reputation!
da Gama's treatment of the many natives of area he met on his first trip.
What is cruel, brutal, businesslike (and beyond) da Gama raided ships while killing passengers and crew and conquered the Indian city of Calicut.
Why Vasco da Gama's trip around The Cape of Good Hope was so important to the history of Portugal.
What was da Gama's ability to establish a trade route around the coast of Africa to India, bypassing Italian and Turkish control of trade routes.
Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, The Saint Lawrence River, Quebec, New York, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, The Great Lakes.
What are the modern names of at least five places Champlain is known to explore (can be states, provinces or geographic locations)
Why LaSalle is considered a famous explorer.
What is being the first European to lead an expedition all the way down the Mississippi River and claim the area for France?
The reason Francisco Coronado is remembered as a famous explorer.
What is claiming much of the Southwestern part of what is now The U.S. for Spain?