Erika And Helmut Simon
Who found Otzi?
Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, South America
What are the Seven Continents?
Ms. Mills and Mr. McCord
Who are the MELS Co-Principals?
What is 30 Minutes?
A social media site where people post their dancing and slime reviews
What is Tik Tok?
Otzi's body is in a museum in this town
What is Bolzano, Italy
A Book of Maps
What is an Atlas?
Room 4078
What is the Social Studies Room number?
The amount of legs that Arachnids have
What is 8?
One of the world's famous mummies, who was found with all of his organs still intact
Who is Otzi?
Otzi gets his name from these alps
What are the Otztal Mountains
A small version of the world
What is a Globe?
STEM Club, Bollywood Club, West Indian Club, Calligraphy Club
What are the clubs Mr. Badal runs?
What is Africa?
Spanish and Portuguese are the two most common languages on this Continent
What is South America?
Otzi is from this period of history
What is the Old Stone Age?
Contains the countries of Laos, India, and Mongolia
What is the Continent of Asia?
Habits Of Work and Learning, for short
What are the MELS HOWLs?
The Largest State in The United States by Landmass
What is Alaska?
A School Principal who turns into a crime fighting Superhero
Who is Captain Underpants?
The specific Site where Otzi was found on the Otzal Alps
What is Hauslabjoch?
Type of Map that shows borders between countries, states, or cities
What is a Political Map?
Respect, Intellect & Curiosity, Advocacy, Stewardship, Success & Failure
What are the MELS Core Values?
Michigan, Huron, Superior, Ontario, and Erie
What are the Great Lakes?
A card game that can end friendships and start rivalries
What is Uno?