Number Sense
Algebraic Concepts
Data and Probability
This property states that you can switch the values in an addition problem or multiplication problem.
What is the commutative property
1. Square yards are what type of measurement? 2. The square yards of a 5x8 rectangle is what?
1. What is area 2. What is 40
Simplify 5 + 8 x 2 - 1
What is 20
1. Reduce to decimals... 2 1/4, 2 1/3, and 1 5/6 2. Which is largest?
1. What is 2.25, 2.333, and 1.833 2. What is 2 1/3
1. Ella rolls a dice. What is the probability the dice lands on a 6? 2. Ella rolls a dice. What is the probability the dice lands on an even number?
1. What is 1/6 2. What is 2/6 or 1/3
The property that states that you can distribute a number to a set of numbers...give me an example too...
What is the distributive property... 3(4+6) = (3x4)+(3x6)
The three angles in a triangle always add to this value
What is 180 degrees?
1. The fraction that is equivalent to 0.02 is what? 2. The percent that is equivalent to 0.60 is what?
1. What is 2/100 or 1/50 2. What is 60%
A shipping company uses a formula to determine the cost for shipping a package: c = 2.89 + 0.38p where c is the cost of shipping and p is the number of pounds. What is the cost of shipping something that weighs 5 pounds?
What is $4.79
The probability of flipping a coin and getting a heads.
What is 1/2 or 50%
Difference tells you to do what? Product tells you to do what?
1. What is subtract 2. What is multiply
One equilateral triangle has a length of six inches. A similar triangle has a ratio of 3:7. What is the length of the other triangle?
what is 14 inches?
Simplify –21 – (–5) + (–2)³
What is -24
At the store you can buy a bag of mixed fruit that has 4 apples and 8 oranges. How many oranges will she have if she has 12 apples?
What is 24 oranges
Ginger puts four red marbles, four green marbles, and one white marble in a bag. This is the probability of choosing a green then a white if marbles are NOT replaced
what is 4 / 72 4/9 x 1/8
Two lines that never intersect and go on and on forever are called what?
What are parallel lines
An angle greater than 90 degrees creates an _______ angle.
What is an obtuse angle
7^4 can be re-written as what?
What is 7 x 7 x 7 x 7
Solve for x: 4x - 12 + 2x - 8= 40
what is 10
Represent the following with a picture... 0.5 x 0.7
What is ... Teach?
Two lines that cross each other at 90 degree angles are called what?
What are perpendicular lines
The order of operations are what?
What is Parenthesis Exponents Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction
A class goal was to collect $40. They collected $50. What was the their final percent of the goal?
What is 125%
Simplify: 3y + x + y³ + x + x
What is y3 + 3y + 3x
Generally, 4 1/2 bags of flour are needed for every 200 cookies. How much flour would be needed for 450 cookies?
What is 10.125