Organization and Purpose
The Plot Thickens
Read between the lines
Figurative Language
This shows how two things are alike and/or different.
What is Compare/Contrast?
This is the highest point/turning point in a story.
What is the Climax?
Josh woke up early on Saturday morning and looked outside the window. The sun was out and it was hot. His dad called to Josh and said, “It is a perfect day, don’t forget to bring a towel!” Josh grabbed a towel and they left the house. Where are they going?
What is the beach or the pool?
My mind is an ocean.
What is a metaphor?
The definition of Theme.
What is the author's message or the big idea?
tells why something happened and what happened.
What is Cause and Effect?
This is the element of plot that DEVELOPS the characters and builds suspense.
What is Rising Action?
The definition of inference.
What is an educated guess based on the clues the author gives us?
What is a onomatopoeia?
words or phrases that tell what a section of text is about
What is headings?
The author's purpose when the passage gives lots of information
What is to inform?
These are the 2 types of conflict.
What are internal and external ?
The other participants in the play waited backstage as the actors in the first scene went onstage. The actors waiting for their cues couldn't see the stage, but they could hear what was going on. After a few minutes, the audience began laughing. "Uh oh," Shannon said. "That's not a good sign." Why did Shanon say the laughter was not a good sign? A. The actors were laughing. B. The play wasn't supposed to be funny. C. The play was a comedy.
What is B.
It's as smooth as jazz.
What is a simile?
small text found near a pcture that provides important information
What is captions?
"..while crocodiles and alligators both have glands on their tongues, crocodiles still use these glands to excrete excess salt.." is an example of this text structure.
What is Compare and Contrast?
the end of the story.
What is resolution or denouement?
Neil's parents owned an apple orchard, and every fall, the family sold the freshest, best looking apples, as well as applesauce, pies and cake that they made from the second-best apples. One morning, Neil went apple picking. He kept finding apples with nicks in their skins, He didn't pick those apples- they wouldn't need them today. What is Neil picking apples for? A. to make applesauce B. to sell fresh and raw C. to make apple pie
What is B?
He snores louder than a freight train.
What is a hyperbole?
"Don't fret your eyelids on that score," said the boy. "I've got to be in London tonight." So, Oliver Twist left and went to London. What is the Point of View?
What is 3rd Person Point of View?
"We observed the crocodile as it stalked a raccoon moving through the moonlight toward the edge of the water. As a result of a noise we made, the raccoon bolted..." is an example of this text structure.
What is Cause and Effect?
The guards stop Annemarie and go through the basket is this kind of conflict.
What is external conflict, character vs. character or character vs. society
"It's hard to live in a studio apartment in San Diego with a man who is learning how to play the violin." That's what she told the police as she was handing them the empty revolver. What happened?
What is she murdered the man?
The flowers begged for water.
What is personification?
a picture, usually a drawing that has labels to identify its parts
What is a diagram?