Someone took my eraser and I wanted to use it.
Problem: someone took the eraser I wanted
Reaction: I yelled at my classmate, hit my table, and ran out of the classroom.
NO. This reaction is bigger than the problem.
My friend doesn't want to play with me at recess.
-play with someone else
-say "maybe next recess?"
A small problem is a small problem for everyone
False. Some people will think a problem is small but other people might think it's a medium or big problem.
My friend fell off the swing and now she can't get up.
Problem: My friend fell out of the swing and now she can't get up
Reaction: I told her it's okay and I went to play on the slide instead
NO. The friend needed help and I didn't take it seriously
I don't like my lunch today and now I'm hungry.
-eat it anyways so I'm not hungry
-try to eat it and then leave the rest. I ask the teacher if they have any snacks.
Small problems don't usually need an adult to help.
I went to lunch and I don't like pizza!
Problem: I went to lunch and I don't like pizza
Reaction: It's okay. Maybe I will like the lunch better tomorrow.
Adults are outside and I notice a smoky smell in the house.
-ask them to come inside and see if they can help
-see if I can find where it is coming from, if the smell is not too strong
True. Kids react strongly to problems that may seem small to us, but to them it's a very big deal!
I was playing at recess and got hurt. I'm now bleeding.
Reaction: I ask one of the teachers if I can go and see the nurse to get it looked at.
I ask someone if I can borrow their eraser and they say no.
-ask them again
-ask the teacher if they have an eraser they can use because their classmate isn't sharing
False. We need adult help or someone in the community to help when we have big problems!
Someone keeps teasing me at recess and won't stop even though I've asked them to. They now got their friends to do it too.
Reaction: Every time they tease me I now hit them and get my friends to hit them too. That will teach them!
NO. This reaction doesn't help the problem and it is a pretty big reaction.
I am playing at recess and I fall and scrape my knee.
-if it is bleeding I ask the teacher to go get a bandaid
-if it hurts only a little bit, I can take a rest and then continue to play
It's okay to react to problems. It's how we react that matters.