Father of many nations
Who is Abraham? (Gen. 17:15)
"Jehovah provide escape...
for the loyal." (sjj 148)
"...beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness..."
What is 2 Timothy 3:16?
The End of the Gentile times came in this Year.
What is 1914? (kr pp.2-3)
The disciple formerly known as the tax collector
Who is Matthew? (Matt. 9:9)
Probably "Rest, Consolation"
Who is Noah? (it-2 pp. 506-508)
"Please Judge me, Lord....
observe my loyalty. Observe my trust in you and my integrity " (sjj 34)
“You are my witnesses,” declares Jehovah...
This was the year J.F Rutherford gave the stirring talk "The Great Multitude", identifying this happy crowd.
What is 1935? (re chap. 20 pp. 119-129)
Jesus' First Cousins
Who are James and John?(Greatest Man book- ch.34)
"Jehovah is Salvation"
Who is Jesus (or Joshua, Jehoshua)? (It-2 pp. 51-52, 113-115)
Imagine the time when there’s no more pain...
...When life’s so good and we are young again. (Original Song "Imagine the Time")
"Honor Jehovah with your valuable things, With the firstfruits of all your produce."
At about 1600 B.C.E this world power attains to its prophetic prominence.
Who is Egypt? (Exodus 1:8; si pp. 284-298)
The disciple Jesus had affection for
Who is John? (John 13:23)
“May Jah Add (Increase); Jah Has Added (Increased)”
Who is Joseph? (it-2 pp.106-112)
Complete the entire stanza: "We come before you, Jehovah,To praise your name so great. Disowning self, with humble hearts, Our lives we dedicate...."
You gave your only begotten,
Who paid the price so high.
No longer as living for ourselves,
For you we will live or die. (sjj 52)
"Return evil for evil to no one."
"Seventy Weeks" begins.
What is 455 B.C.E? (Daniel 9:24,25; it-1 p.463)
"See, an Israelite... in whom there is no deceit."
Who is Nathaniel? (John 1:47)
Contender (Perseverer) With God
Who is Jacob/Israel (Gen.32:22-28)
"Jehovah give me eyes of faith and help me...
always see
There are more with us than against us.
Courageous let me be.
Courage, give me courage;
With courage, I’ll endure.
Jehovah, give me courage;
Your victory is sure. (2018 Regional Convention Original Song. jw.org>feature items>Convention releases> Day 3)
"Joy of Jehovah"
What is Nehemiah 8:10?
This year marked the moral refinement of the use of tobacco, clearly making it a ground for removal from the congregation.
What is 1973? (kr pp.111-112 p. 13)
The one who doubted
Who is Thomas?