When is the Responsorial Psalm sung?
After the First Reading/Before the Second Reading
Where does the Eucharist happen?
Who passes around the baskets during the offertory?
The ushers
During what season did Jesus resurrect from the dead?
What are the four parts of the Liturgy of the Word?
The First Reading, the Responsorial Psalm, the Second Reading, and the Gospel
Where does the choir sing?
Who proclaims the 1st and 2nd Readings?
The lector(s)
Four, purple and pink
What happens after the Gospel?
The Homily
Where does the lector proclaim the word of the Lord?
The ambo/lectern
Who besides the priest can distribute communion?
The extraordinary ministers of holy communion (eucharistic ministers), the deacon
What color is the season of Ordinary Time?
What prayer/song occurs after the peace offering?
The Lamb of God
Where is the Body of Christ held after Communion?
The Tabernacle
Who is a person that teaches about the Catholic faith and its principles to those who do not know it?
A Catechist
When does the new Liturgical Year begin?
How many parts of the Mass are there?
Four: Introductory Rites, the Liturgy of the Word, the Liturgy of the Eucharist, and the Concluding Rites
Where does the priest/deacon/altar servers/etc. prepare for Mass?
The Sacristy
Who washes the hands of the priest?
How many liturgical seasons are there? +200 points for being able to name all six.
Six: Advent, Christmas, Lent, Sacred Paschal Triduum, Easter, Ordinary Time