bone that protects your brain
What is cranium
Knee bone
What is the patella
Upper jaw bone
The amount of bones that make up the human skeletal system
first bone at the top of the vertebral column ; holds up the cranium
What is the atlas
Lower jaw bone
Bone breaks through the skin
What is an Open Fracture
Larger lower leg bone
What is the tibia
bone at the back of your head
connect bone to bone
What are ligaments
foot bone
What are tarsals
bones at the sides of your head
Connect muscle to bone
What are tendons
middle toe bones
What are the metatarsals
What is zygomatic
Dense connective tissue
What is cartilage
The largest bone in the arm
The smaller bone in the bottom half of the leg
smaller lower leg bone
What is the fibula
frontal bone
Liquid gel like substance that cushions joints
What is synovial fluid