What is Cranium?
What is the fibula?
A place in the body where two or more of your bones come together.
What is joint?
A break in the bone
What is fracture?
What is the Sternum?
What is the Clavical?
What is the fibula?
A newborn's skeleton is made mostly of
What is Cartilage?
An overstretched or torn ligament
What is a Sprain?
What is the Vertebral Column?
What is the Humerus?
What is the Patella?
A process in which minerals calcium and phosphorus are deposited within the developing bone, making it hard.
What is Ossification?
When this happens the ends of the bones in a joint are forced out of their normal positions.
What is a Dislocation?
What is the Ulna?
What is the Femur?
Bones are held together at joints by strong, fibrous bands called
What are Ligaments?
An abnormal curvature of the spine.
What is Scoliosis?
What is the Coccyx?
What is the Radius?
What is the Pelvic Girdle?
A condition in which the bones become weak and break easily.
What is Osteoporosis?
A type of tissue that fills the spaces in bones.
Hint: There are two kinds of this tissue.
Red and Yellow
What is Marrow?
What are Metacarpals?