What is the strongest synovial joint in the body?
How many bones are in the adult human body?
206 bones
Give an example of supination and pronation movements
Supination- Palms up
Pronation- Palms down
What is the shaft of a bone called?
Cartilage grows in 2 ways.. what are they?
1. Appositional Growth- cells secrete matrix
2. Interstitial Growth- cells divide
What is a bone elevation/ projection called?
Process, ramus
How long does it take for a broken bone to repair?
3-4 months
Give an example of Dorsiflexion and Plantarflexion
Dorsiflexion: Elevate toes up
Plantarflexion: Point toes down (walking on tippy toes)
What is the axial skeleton? Appendicular skeleton?
Axial: Skull, Vertebrate, Skull
Appendicular: Upper and lower limbs
What are the 3 types of cartilage?
Hyaline, Elastic, Fibrocartilage
What is an immobile joint called? Slightly mobile? Fully mobile?
Immobile: Synarthroses
Slightly mobile: Amphiarthroses
Fully mobile: Diarthroses
What is the outer layer of a bone called? And the inner?
Outer: Periosteum
Inner: Endosteum
Give an example of extension and flexion movements
Extension: Straightening leg when standing from a chair
Flexion: Bending knee when sitting
What are bone openings called?
Sinus, fissure, foramen, canal, meatus
What is hydroxyapatite made of?
Calcium phosphate + Calcium hydroxide
What is the process of a bone repairing after it breaks?
1.Replace with fibrocartilage process
2. Collagen reconnects bone, creates soft callus
3. Osteocytes infiltrate, harden callus
4. Remodels to solid bone
Bones have 4 types of cells within them, what are they?
1. Osteogenic
2. Osteoblasts
3. Osteocytes
4. Osteoclasts
Give an example of abduction and adduction movement
Abduction- Raising arm away from body
Adduction- Bringing your arm back to your body
List functions of bones
-Mineral storage
-Blood cell formation
-Fat storage
What complex structures do synovial joints have?
Fat pads
What is the process through which cartilage gets turned into bones?
There’s several types of bones, what are they?
Long, short, sesamoid, flat, irregular, sutural, pneumatized bones
Give an example of a monoaxial, biaxial, triaxial bone
Monoaxial- Knee
Biaxial- Wrist
Triaxial- Fingers
Give example of where you can find each cartilage type
Elastic- Nostrils, Lungs
Hyaline- Trachea, Ribs
Fibrocartilage- Back discs
What are the 3 major groups of articulation?
1. Synovial joints
2. Cartilaginous joints
3. Fibrous joints