This bone forms the upper arm.
What is the Humerus
The primary function of the skeletal system
What is to provide support and structure to the body.
Are the primary bone-forming cells
What are Osteoblasts
A break
What is a Fracture
A dense and smooth layer on the outside
What is Compact Bone Tissue
This bone forms the kneecap.
What is the Patella
Blood Cell Formation
What is Hematopoiesis
The continuous process of bone formation and resorption
What is Bone remodeling
Realignment of the broken bone ends
What is Reduction
Runs through the middle of each osteon and contains small blood vessels
What is the Haversian canal or central canal
This bone forms the shoulder blade.
What is the Scapula
Name the type of bone tissue that provides strength and support.
What is Compact bone.
These cells are responsible for bone resorption
What is Osteoclasts
Keeping bone stable so it has time to heal itself
What is Immobilization
Filled with tiny salts and collagen fibers that allow the bone to resist torsion stress
What is the Lamella
These bones form the ankle.
What are the Tarsals
Where energy is stored in the form of fat
What is Yellow Bone Marrow
The hard, dense outer layer of bone
What is Compact bone
Forms due to hemorrhaged blood clots
What is a Hematoma
Less organized than compact bone and have no osteons
What is Spongy Bone Tissue
These bones form the palm.
What are the Metacarpals
Two minerals that are stored in bones
What is Calcium and Phosphorus
The basic unit of compact bone.
What is Osteon
Spans the break and connects the broken ends
What is Fibrocartilaginous Callus
Tiny bone struts that are key for helping the bone to resist stress; also where bone marrow is
What is Trabeculae