How many bones is the cranium made up of?
How many bones make up the face?
How many bones do we have?
Name the 3 bones of the arms?
Humerus, ulna, and radius
How many ribs do you have?
What bone forms the forehead?
Frontal bone
What are the cheekbones name?
Zygomatic bone
What is the definition of skeletal system?
Forms the physical foundation of the body
Where is your humerus bone?
How many bone structures make up the chest?
What bone is in the back of the skull above the nape?
Occipital Bone
2 ___ ____ form the bridge of the ___
nasal bones / nose
What is it called when bones meet together?
How many bones do we have in our hands?
What is the chest or pulmonary trunk called?
What bone forms the side of the skull? (ear region)
Temporal bone
What is the largest and strongest bone in the face?
What are bones connected to each other with?
What is the wrist also known as?
Large, flat, triangular bone?
What is the spongy bone between the eyes?
Ethmoid bone
What is the most fragile bone in the face?
Lacrimal bone
What do bones do for us? give 2 reasons
- shape and support
- protect various internal structures and organs
- serve as attachments for muscles and act as levers to produce body movements
- help produce both white and red blood cells
-stores calcium
what bones go on thumb and pinky side of your hands?
Radius = thumb
Ulna= Pinky
List and show where all bones of the chest are
5 (thorax, ribs, scapula, sternum, clavicle)