bone functions
support/ form
levers of locomotion
mineral storage
blood formation in the bone marrow
cervical… everything u know!
1st- atlas “yes”
2nd- axis “no”
long bones
function and example
long cylinder shape
function: levers of locomotion and support weight
ex: humerus, radius, femur, tibia, metacarpal/metatarsal
no boney attachment
what is scapula
2 sections of skeletal system
axial and appendicular
bone is made of?
osteoblasts (repair and build up new bone)
osteoclasts (breakdown, all damaged bone)
osteocytes (carrie nutrients/ waste from to/from blood)
thoracic… everything you know!
connected to ribs
include withers
cuboidal bones
short block shaped
function: absorb concussion
ex: carpals and tarsalsabsorbs shock/ smoothness of gait
what is humerus
front limbs
identify all bones in front limbs
bone diagram
identify all sections
lumbar… everything you know!
after ribs end
flat bones
function: to enclose the cavities containing vital organs
ex: school, scapula, and ribs
forearm and elbow
what is radius and ulna
hind limbs
identify all bones in hind limbs
surface features
tuberosity(a protrusion, usually sight of muscle attachment) ex: humerus
process (projection, functions as a pulley for the muscles that run over it) ex: scapula and humerus
fossa: (hollow/ groove, gives more room to move) ex: scapula
sacral… everything you know!
connect with pelvis?
seasmoid bones
Function: assist other bones in the joint to reduce friction/act as a pulley
ex: patella, navicular, and fetlock
what is illium, ishium, pubis all bones connected to make the socket of hip joint
bone tissues (2 types)
compact: dense for strength (towards the outside of bone)
cancellous: cellular development and structure support (towards inside of bone)
compact/ cortical bone: an outer layer of dense bone that gives the bone strength
cancellous bone: center of bone that absorbs concussion
medullary cavity: center of long bones of leg and ribs
caudal… everything you know!
tailpneumatic AND irregular
pneumatic: contain air spaces
ex: bones of skull housing nasal passages
Irregular: odd shaped and unpaired bones
ex: vertebrae, fibula, and some skull bones
bears all the weight of the hind end
what is tibia
stores and releases minerals at the body needs
bone tissue