Nervous System
What is the difference between the somatic and autonomic system?
What is somatic system is voluntary (clapping, raising your hand) and autonomic system happens involuntary (breathing, digestion, heart rate)
What is the main function of muscles, which ones are voluntary and which ones are NOT striped?
What is move bones and body parts, skeletal, smooth
What are bone-forming cells that deposit calcium and phosphorus in bones to make them hard?
What is osteoblasts?
How does the ear respond to sound waves? (list parts of the ear)
What is outer ear (intercepts sound waves) to eardrum (vibrates) to hammer to anvil to stirrup to cochlea (send impulses to brain)
What are the parts of the skin?
What is epidermis - outer layer, dermis - middle contains blood vessels, nerves, oil and sweat glands, fatty layer - lowest layer
Where is reflex response controlled?
What is spinal cord.
List the 3 kinds of levers that represent joints in the body and tell what makes each one different.
What is first class (fulcrum in middle), second class (fulcrum between middle and side), third class (fulcrum at end).
What is the periosteum?
What is tough, tight-fitting membrane on the bone's surface
What structure maintains balance?
What is semicircular canals
What does the spongy bone and red marrow in your bones do?
What is spongy bone - makes bones lightweight, red marrow - produces red blood cells
What are the two nervous systems in the body (what parts also)?
What is cns (spinal cord and brain) and pns (sides of the bodies)
What are the 3 types of muscles and what does each muscle do?
What is cardiac muscle - pumps blood through blood vessels and the heart, smooth muscle - controls movement of internal organs, skeletal muscle - moves bones
What are the 5 functions of the skeletal system?
What is 1 give shape and support to your body, 2 protects internal organs, 3 helps muscles move, 4 produces red blood cells, 5 stores major quantities of calcium and phosphorous
Which cells work with smell and which other sense is associated with smell?
What is olfactory cells, and taste
What is a depressant and a stimulant? (give an example of each also)
What is something that slows down your reflexes (alcohol, drugs)/ something that speeds up your nervous system (caffeine, drugs)
What is arthritis?
What is a disease that can damage joints
What is a tough band of tissue that holds bones together at joints called?
What is a tendon?
What is the difference between immoveable and moveable joints?
What is immoveable joints dont move (includes skull and pelvic bone) and moveable joints move.
Explain how light travels through your eye to the optic nerve (list the major parts).
What is light enters the cornea and is refracted. Then is passes through the lens and is refracted again. The the light goes to the retina which contains cones and rods. The cones and rods send impulses though the optic nerve into the brain.
What is a joint?
What is any place where two or more bones come together.
Draw two neurons and label the major parts.
What is hopefully you did it right and Mrs. H doesnt need to do anything.
What is the smooth, slippery, flexible tissue that covers the ends of bones?
What is cartilage?
List the 4 types of moveable joints and give an example of each (body parts).
What is ball and socket - shoulder/hip, gliding joint - wrists, ankles, vertebrae, hinge joint-knee, elbow, fingers, pivot joint - turning your head, arms
How does your body maintain balance?
What is gel-like fluid in the inner ear surrounds hair cells. When the gel moves the hair cells send nerve impulses to the brain which interprets the body movements. The brain sends impulses to the muscles moving your body to maintain balance.
What are the skin's 5 major functions?
What is 1 - protection from bacteria and virus, 2 sensory response to stimulus, 3 formation of vitamin D to help with calcium, 4 regulation of body temperature (homeostasis), 5 ridding the body of waste (sweat)