What is 8-4=?
A 4
B 8
C 12
D -4
If you dig a six foot hole how deep is the hole?
A 6 foot
B about 18 foot
C 5 foot
D 12 foot
B about 18 foot
Whats are favorite food?
A Skibbity slicers
B mc donalds
C froot loops
A skibbity slicers
what is my favorite colors?
A red
B green
C blue
C blue
are you a rizzler?
A yes
B yes
A yes
A 56
B 243
C 43
C 43
What color is a carrot?
A umm i dont know about a carrot i think a carrot is a carrot
B Blue
C orange
A umm i dont know about a carrot i think a carrot is a carrot
why should we eat our veggies???
A to be healthy
B To do the veggie dance
C because are parents make us.
B to do the veggie dance
what is my 2nd favorite sport?
A baseball
B football
C lacrosse
c lacrosse
what are your faviorite foods?
A spagetti
B sigma meals and skibbity slicers
C chicken wontons
B sigma meals and skibbity slicers
A 309823
B 476
C 475
B 476
if jimmy has 3242314324 peices of candy if he eats 2286532 peices what does jimmy have?
A a bunch of candy left
B diabeetes
C No more candy
B diabeetes
when was was renegade raider released?
A season 1
B chapter 5
C chapter 10 season 2
C chapter 10 season 2
what is my dream car?
A gtr r35
B Lamborghini
C Lamborghini sto twin tubro
C Lamborghini sto twin tubro
2xx 2/(3*x^2)#*(83^3)
A rizzler
B skibbity
C ohio sigma
C ohio sigma
10 x 12
A 120
B 1200
C 12000
A 120
how do you spell this
A red
B lster
C 123
B lster
if mario has 10 cupcake if he eats 20 how many would he have?
A 10
B -20
C -10 Now he owns the baker money
c -10 Now he owns the baker money
what is my dog breed name?
A german sheperd
B cane corso
C rottweiler
B cane corso
according to my cariculum are you a rizzler?
A no im a skibbity
B yes im a rizzler
C no im a sigma
B yes im a rizzler
what is 957x95=?
A 6746747657
B 123456789
C 8453986756435474578743542
To my curiculum i calculate im pretty sure it is B
If you have six eggs drop one crack, cook one and eat one how many eggs do you have left?
A 2
B 4
C 5
C 5
if i have 1 egg if i crack it how many little baby yolk would i have?
A 1 million
B 1
C -9292
c -9292 becuase you cant use the egg no more
what is my ranked in baseball at the rec center?
A 5
B 10
C 7
b im ranked 10
what is the number of pi?
b 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307810606286209980108825382110676
c 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781060628620998010882538211067.
3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781060628620998010882538211067. (It is true.)