What is a cognitive distortion?
A warped, messed up, inaccurate thought or an intense ANT!
You got it!
What are we searching for when we use clue snooping?
How many hours of sleep per night should we aim for?
10-10.5 hours!
What is the name of our DMT teacher?
What are 2 skills you could use to help manage fortune telling thoughts?
Clue Snooping, Mindfulness, Lemons to Lemonade
Explain what our logic/reasonable/fact mind is?
What are the two types of evidence we use in clue snooping?
Supporting and challenging
How many hours before bedtime should we put screens away?
2 hours!
What is the name of our yoga teacher?
Share 2 examples of a fortune telling thought!
Nice job!
What is the magic word we use to connect our emotion and logic mind?
What is supporting evidence?
Evidence that makes our ANTs seem true
What are the two parts to the last S in SEEDS, Self-Care?
Hygiene and Hobbies!
Where do we do recreational therapy on Tuesdays?
Bradley Sports Center!
What is a self-fulfilling prophecy?
Acting in a way that makes our ANTs come true
Give an example of a wise mind statement
What is challenging evidence?
Evidence that proves out ANTs FALSE!
What do the two EEs stand for in SEEDS?
Eating and Exercise!
What are the 3 Bs of Compass?
Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe
Explain how being stuck in our emotion mind could lead to consequences
We could act impulsively, only do "fun" things, ignore responsibilities, etc.
What would a piece of challenging and a piece of supporting evidence be for this ANT - "No one likes me."
Challenging - I have a friend at school that likes me, my family likes me, I've been invited to birthday parties, people at soccer like me, etc.
Supporting - I didn't have anyone to play with at recess, my classmate excluded me from a group project, etc.
Name all of the child group therapists!
Veronica, Samantha, Alexa, Megan, Caitlin (bonus)