Is growth mindset a CBT or DBT skill?
Name 2 unhelpful ways to communicate and 2 helpful ways to communicate.
Unhelpful: yelling, screaming, hitting, kicking, ignoring, refusing to participate, demanding things
Helpful: using DEAR, asking for help, using kind words, accepting "no"
What is evidence?
Clues, proof, facts, 100% true
What is an example of a bedtime routine?
Therapists will determine a correct answer.
What does the C in CBT stand for?
Cognitive, our thoughts!
What does, "my brain is like a muscle" mean?
It means, we can exercise our brain like other muscles in our body by challenging it with difficult situations to grow and get stronger.
When we are asking for what we need, should it be realistic?
What is an example of a fact vs. opinion?
Fact: today is Friday
Opinion: Friday is the best day of the week
What's an example of an exercise you can do for 20 minutes?
Therapists will determine correct answers.
What does the B in DBT stand for?
Behavioral, our actions!
Give an example of two things now, that you couldn't do a year ago.
Ride a bike, multiplication, read, other appropriate answers accepted.
What should our reaction be if the listener says "no"?
Still have a calm body and accept the "no", we can use radical acceptance, 4x4 breathing, lemons to lemonade and positive self talk.
What are the two types of evidence we look for in clue snooping?
Helpful and unhelpful.
What are the two categories of self care?
Hygiene and hobbies.
What shape do we use for CBT?
a triangle!
If we replace our ANT with a growth mindset statement, how does that make us feel?
Ex. If I think "This will take hard work, but I can keep trying!", how does that make me feel?
Happy, calm, excited, proud, motivated, encouraged.
What does DEAR stand for?
D: describe the situation
E: express your emotions
A: ask for what you need or want
R: reward the listener
Is this helpful or unhelpful evidence:
My teacher told me I was helpful in class
How many meals should you eat a day?
3, plus snacks!
Share an example of an ANT
"I am the worst", "I am dumb"
Turn this fixed mindset statement into a growth mindset statement.
"I am not in control of my voice or body"
"I am learning skills to help me be in control of my voice and body"
Use a DEAR to ask a therapist for a break.
"The situation is I am at Compass, I am feeling nervous, can I please take a break? Thanks for listening"
Imagine you are having the ANT "I never get what I want".
You found these pieces of unhelpful evidence:
- I didn't get a prize from the prize box
- My sibling got to stay up later than me
You ALSO found these pieces of helpful evidence:
- My mom said I could have a friend over
- I got a new toy for my birthday
What is an example of a more balance thought to replace your ANT?
"Sometimes I get what I want and sometimes I don't"
"It's okay if I don't get a prize because I got a new toy yesterday"
Name each letter of SEEDS.
Doctors orders
Self care: hygiene and hobbies
What does dialectical mean?
Two things we do not think go together, but actually do. Things we can't control and things we can control.