True or False:
Social Skills
Food Prep and Kitchen Skills
Hygiene and Cleanliness
Physical and Mental Health

True or False:  When someone else is talking it is okay to interrupt them if I really have something I want to say or if they are boring me.

False. You should always take turns in a conversation and listen when others speak.


Where milk, cheese, and butter should be stored

The refrigerator.


Something that you might find in your room if you leave crumbs and old food out 

Bugs! Ew.

An item people use to cover a wound that is bleeding 

A band-aid

Something you should always do if someone says something or does something that makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe

Tell a safe grown up


True or False: When I am around other people, I should not get too close or touch them without making sure they are okay with it first.

True. Everyone needs their personal space and it can make others uncomfortable if you don’t respect that.


A “rule” people sometimes say as a joke when they drop food on the floor accidentally and still want to eat it 

“Five second rule!”


_________ are what can develop from tooth decay if you do not brush your teeth regularly.



A word used to describe when your body is running at a higher temperature than it should be 

A fever 


When there is a fire drill or emergency alarm, I should be _____ so I can listen to instructions on how to stay safe.



True or False: When someone does not quickly respond to me when I ask for something, it is okay to start yelling what I want over and over again to get their attention.

False. They may be busy, and yelling/ repeating yourself over and over can be frustrating and annoying to others. 


Something everyone should do before making, eating, or touching food to prevent illness 

Wash your hands. 


Something you should do after finishing your business to get rid of the pee or poo in the toilet

Flush the toilet


Something people can use to feel better and calm down when they get upset or sad

Coping skills 

An important number to call if there is an emergency or I am in danger and need help



True or False: If someone does things, says things, and likes things that are different and seem weird to me, I should tell them, even if it doesn’t have anything to do with me.

False. Everyone is different, and that is okay. “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”.


Something people use to safely get hot things out of the oven without getting burnt

Oven mitts


The proper thing to use if you have a runny nose or boogers

a tissue


A professional that people see to talk through difficult feelings and problems, develop healthier coping skills, and feel listened to/ supported.

A therapist :)


A really nice stranger approaches me when I am by myself and asks me to go somewhere with them because they have a special surprise for me- I should ______ agree to go with them because I don’t want to be _____. 

Never/ hurt or kidnapped 


True or False:  It is okay to get into someone else's belongings when they aren't looking. 

False. It is never okay to get into someone else's things without permission.  


A utensil that is used to eat mushy or liquid food

A spoon


Something you need to do regularly so your hair and body do not get stinky

Take a shower or bath 


A food group that you should not eat too much of because it can cause weight gain, acne, or make you sick

Junk food   


Something people wear to stay safe in the water, especially if they don’t know how to swim 

A life jacket